Who Defends Pedophiles? An Essay I Never Thought I Would Have To Write

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ July 13, 2023/ Uncategorized

This essay is a follow up piece to my last post titled “A Must See,” which reviewed the recently released movie, “The Sound of Freedom.” The movie is a true story action film that involves the rescue of two child victims of sex trafficking in Columbia. This essay has to do with the astonishing and shameful attacks on the movie by the liberal and “progressive” media. I NEVER thought that I’d ever have to write a piece such as this because I NEVER thought that ANYONE would condemn a movie that sought to raise awareness of the shameful and grotesque “industry” and fight against pedophilia and childhood sex trafficking. Who IN THE WORLD, I would have thought, would come out against such an effort? WHO?

Well, apparently, the liberal and “progressive” media would, that’s who! Because it’s so hard to believe that this is, in fact, the case, I’ll show some recent headlines:

Amazing, isn’t it? And, by the way, the movie has NO connection in any way to Qanon (a conspiracy theory website) as alluded to in many of the “hit pieces.” In fact the movie advances no conspiracy theory at all. It is depicts true events that have happened to real children and real criminals.

And it’s NOT just print media to blame. Recently on CNN, author Mike Rothschild said that the film was created out of a “moral panic” and based on “bogus statistics … and fear.”… REALLY?

Are Rothschild and similar critics downplaying the 150 BILLION child trafficking business (as calculated by FORBES.COM, no font of conspiracy theory, by the way)? Are they “running interference” for the traffickers? Are they DEFENDING the sexual abuse of children? Are they, in essence, evil?

You can read the Fox News article on this via the following link. It has an interview with the real Tim Ballard, hitting back at the outrageous and media claims made against the film:


So, my question, again is: Who in the world would fight efforts to defend and protect the world’s children? WHO IN THE WORLD?… The liberal and “progressive” media, that’s who.

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  1. The problem is the US is a major cause of child trafficking because of their lax enforcement at the Southern border. The failure to properly identify children and who is bringing them into this country has led to a massive level of child abuse , Rape ,sex trafficking and misplaced children. This appears to be a low priority for the present administration.

  2. I agree with Eric. We have an open southern border, do not even know who or what is coming in. The electronics lets them control what is on the news? We have to replace many people. Hold them accountable.

  3. We are certainly giving you plenty of fodder for your writing…I think it’s time to compile them into a book…… it could be called “Straight talk from a Straight Guy”. Whoops will have to rename —- controversial!

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