A Must See

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ July 11, 2023/ Uncategorized

Going all the way back to Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House, there has been a willful blindness foisted on the American public by the Democrats and their lapdog media concerning unregulated immigration through our “porous” (read: non existent) southern border. How and why did neglect of our southern border become American policy? Here’s the most likely scenario:

Democrat strategists throughout this millennium became increasingly concerned that they were losing their “base.” Some Hispanic voters were becoming increasing disaffected with the Democrat agenda as did many blacks and many traditional Democrat stalwarts such as factory and construction workers. It became increasingly obvious that the Democrat Party was no longer the party of the “working man.” Why had this occurred?… Let me count the “whys.” Democrat policies eliminated jobs and increased taxes on those who did work, showering much largess on those that didn’t. They pursued various anti American and leftist agendas and bizarrely promoted transgenderism and all manner of sexual and lifestyle deviance. They shamefully promoted the sexualization of CHILDREN. And, even more shamefully, they fomented racism and fanned the flames of racial discord. All of this was not completely lost on the American public, who began to shift, slowly but steadily, their allegiance elsewhere. Even some previously reliable Democrat voters like gays joined the exodus. (see: https://www.walkawaycampaign.com/). So, what were “good” leftist, liberal, “progressive,” Democrats to do?… Find a new constituency, of course! They coddled the youth vote (who, never having to have earned a living, were already inclined to favor the Democrats). They catered increasingly to middle aged white women (who, by the way, were largely to blame for the election of Barack Obama, with, according to politico.com, the female/male ratio being 53/45!), often using the issue of abortion and gun control as wedges. They also pandered to disaffected blacks. Despite the successful conscription of all of the above, Democrat strategists remained concerned about their future. So, what to do?… Find a FOREIGN constituency and BRING EM’ ON IN, OF COURSE! The impoverished people of Mexico and Central America became prime candidates. As a result the southern border was, in essence, erased.

Throughout the entire world, there is NO “developed” country that shares a border with a less developed country, that has an open border. None. As a friend of mine has said: “You can have a welfare state or you can have a open border, but you can’t have BOTH!” (Thanks, JM). So, in order to justify and support the irresponsible program of “open borders” many of the deleterious and dangerous consequences of such a policy were ignored, hidden or “gas lighted” away. Unfortunately, the adverse consequences themselves remained in force. Rape and violence ran rampant in the multitudinous caravans trekking through central America and Mexico. Numerous, serious diseases crossed with the migrants. These include tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, congenital syphilis, hepatitis, listeriosis, Salmonellosis, vibriosis. (www.hhs.gov). Cases of MALARIA, which haven’t been seen in the US for 72 YEARS, have now been spotted in border states). Significant numbers of terrorists from the Mideast have been apprehended at the border, but many more are thought to have successfully crossed. Countless numbers of criminals and gang members have likely “walked right in.” Drug trafficking, always a problem for the US, increased by many fold. But, most distressing of all is the breathtaking increase in human trafficking, especially the trafficking of CHILDREN.

Human trafficking, almost all of which today is sexual, is currently the second most lucrative international crime, just behind drug trafficking, having recently passed arms trafficking. Annually, the sex trafficking “industry” brings in over 150 BILLION (www.forbes.com). Sad to say, the biggest national “consumer” is the United States (https://naplesshelter.org). Why? First, perverted Americans have plenty of money with which to buy the little girls and boys.  AND, second, with our porous border, it’s relatively easy to bring the young ones in. The average life expectancy of a child sex trafficking victim is SEVEN YEARS. The average age at which they are taken is TWELVE. (phoenixrisingky.org). All of the above, astonishing though it is, doesn’t capture the depth of physical and emotional pain suffered by these innocent and vulnerable children. The depth of this tragedy simply can’t be captured by statistics. Something else is needed. Perhaps, a story.

It was Steve Jobs that said: “The most powerful person on earth is the STORYTELLER.” And, one of the best ways to tell a story like this is on big screen cinema. Which brings us to the “Must See” title above.

The “Must See” I’m referring to is an astonishing movie based upon a true story. It’s called “The Sound of Freedom,” and it follows the daring quest of Tim Ballard, a U.S. Homeland Security agent that left his job in order to go into Mexico and Columbia (which Homeland Security agents normally don’t do) to free a child that he learned was the victim of trafficking. Despite the daunting premise, the movie itself flows like an adventure/suspense film and is an exciting piece of cinematography. It is NOT a “downer,” but it IS emotionally engaging. The production values (acting, cinematography, music, editing) are superb. I recommend it highly to all of my readers. I think you will find it stirring and, even, inspiring. It is currently in movie theaters across our nation, and, reportedly was the highest grossing film this past weekend.


As Mr. Ballard says in the film: “God’s children are NOT for sale.”

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