What In The World Would Explain It?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ July 14, 2023/ Uncategorized

What in the world would explain the current Liberal “Progressive” attack on a movie (The Sound of Freedom) that aims to raise awareness of the cruel sexual trafficking of children? I had to think long and hard about this question because such attacks are so wrongheaded and so grotesque that it would SEEM that they would be inexplicable. Still, I came to realize that every action MUST have some kind of explanation, so I decided to give it a try.

From what I can see, the media’s shameful behavior might be explained (but NOT justified) by the following possibilities:

1: There may be concern among the liberal, leftist “progressive” Democrats, that increased awareness of pedophilic sexual trafficking would have implications that apply to the issue of completing a wall at our southern border. And, opening up our southern border to any and all “asylum seekers” is priority number one for these groups.” So, if young girls are raped and young boys sodomized, well “that’s a small price to pay,” they might say, “for the greater good.” Hogwash, of course, but that’d be the thinking.

2: Next, the Sound of Freedom movie was unapologetically written and produced by Christians, and, despite the media’s disingenuous claims to the contrary, the liberals and especially leftists and “progressives” HATE Christians. They hate us (covertly, of course) and everything that we believe and everything that we do. (By the way, a committed leftist hates not only religion [the “opiate of the masses”] but hates CHARITY as well! They believe that charity “shouldn’t be necessary!”).

3: Then, efforts to tighten our southern border and decrease trafficking are often high up on lists of Republican agendae. And, to leftist, liberal, “progressive” Democrats, ANYTHING favored by Republicans must, reflexively, be disparaged. Period.

4: Next, if you think about it, pederasty is actually not too far removed from the current liberal, leftist, Democrat, “progressive” agenda which aims to sexualize young children by exposing them to blatant sexual themes at a very early age. Queer Story Hour, gay parades, drag queen functions and other abominations, are already part of grade school “curricula” in some places. Don’t believe it?… Consider:

Perhaps the “progressives” are more comfortable with childhood rape than they let on.

5: And, finally, the sexual protection of children is, perhaps, the last obstruction to the march of degradation and deviance that is despoiling our country. If pederasty can be made more acceptable to mainstream America, then, literally “anything goes.” And, at that point, the only deviance that would still be verboten would be bestiality. (The animals have a “politically correct” defender, you see, in the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA. Children have no such “woke” guardian, however.)

And, in case the reader thinks that running interference for sex traffickers is only a media sin, government is as guilty as the media: A bill making sex trafficking laws in California tougher was shot down yesterday. Despite passing unanimously with bipartisan support in the California Senate, a bill in the California Assembly (House of Representatives) to bring California’s sentencing for trafficking minors in line with other states by making it a “serious felony” failed due to UNANIMOUS DEMOCRAT ABSTENTIONS. (source: just the news.com).

6: Lastly, the final explanatory consideration I can come up with is, simply, moral turpitude on the part of the media.

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