Senate Majority Panderer March 15, 2024/ Uncategorized

I couldn’t believe my ears. Today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the airways to denounce, in no uncertain terms, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Schumer maintained that Netanyahu has “lost his way” and that Israel “needs a new election” to, presumably, usher in a more “dovish” leader to prematurely cease Israel’s campaign to exterminate all the tentacles of the vile terrorist organization Hamas.

Now, Schumer’s sage advice doesn’t have one iota of actual power in the State of Israel, but his outburst is incredibly damaging to Israel, none-the-less, as it validates the anti Israel narrative that burns brightly for “Palestinians,” members of the Muslim “Umma,” leftists and “progressives” world wide. It accuses Israel of immorally prosecuting the war, inviting charges of “war crimes” and going a long way to establishing “moral equivalency” between Israel and Hamas!

Regarding “moral equivalency” has everyone forgotten who STARTED the violence? Does any fair minded thinker that Israel, or indeed ANY nation, doesn’t have the right to defend itself from a mortal enemy that has vowed to destroy it? Hamas has not been shy about its ultimate goals; it has openly and repeatedly stated that it will stop at nothing to destroy Israel. It has repeatedly rejected any “two state solution” that’s been offered to it. And, many of its activists are also clear that their ultimate goal is not just the destruction of Israel, but to actually KILL all Jews. Israel is supposed “be OKAY” with that?

And, who could even consider “moral equivalency” when Israel does everything it can to AVOID civilian casualties, and Hamas deliberately puts civilians in harm’s way as “human shields” and builds military facilities UNDER hospitals and schools.

Commentator Dennis Prager has offered a very relevant “thought experiment.”: Imagine what would happen if, tomorrow, Israel were to lay down it’s arms? The answer, of course, is that Israel would immediately be over run and genocide would follow. On the other hand, what would happen if, tomorrow, Hamas were to put down its arms? The answer is that there would, immediately, be PEACE.

So, by fomenting the “moral equivalency narrative” Mr. Schumer, your ill advised, unjustified and unsolicited “advice” to the State of Israel, does incalculable damage to Israel, America’s greatest ally in the mid east, and the mid East’s only democracy. You should be ashamed.

And you should even be more ashamed, because your motivation is naked for all our nation to see: you are pandering to the Islamic, Palestinian, Leftist, and progressive elements in the United States, that recently expressed their displeasure with the Democrat candidate in Michigan. Apparently, you and the Democrat party are aware that the traditional Democrat coalition is breaking up. Significant numbers of Black & Hispanic voters are “looking to the right” as are many non unionized working people who are increasingly aware that the Democrat Party no longer represents their interests. Even “traditional liberals” are becoming disenchanted. Looks like you need every vote you can get. And if the Muslims can be be brought back into the fold, then the hell with Israel. We would have hoped that such pandering would be beneath you and the Democrat party. But, apparently, it isn’t. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.

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