All In January 26, 2024/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, I would be fine with a Ron DeSantis presidency. I would also be fine with a Nikki Haley Presidency. I would even be fine with a Vivek Ramaswamy presidency. But, let’s face it folks, their candidacies, in this election cycle, are NOT going to happen. Mr. Trump has so many loyalists (that will vote for no-one else), that there is no “path to victory” at this point for anyone other than Trump. Ron DeSantis (who is probably the smartest candidate under consideration) came to that conclusion just ahead of the New Hampshire primary, and, as a consequence, withdrew from the race. Then, right after the primary, Ronna McDaniel, Chairperson of the Republican Nation Committee, came to the the same conclusion. Nikki Haley has not, as yet, been convinced, but she is currently trailing Trump in her HOME STATE of South Carolina by… THIRTY PERCENTAGE POINTS! As they say, the “math” just doesn’t add up. It now appears, that the only way she would become the candidate is if Trump were to get shot or die. Should she withdraw? That, of course, is up to her. But, if she were to withdraw now, it would bolster her standing as a “team player” in the Republican Party with a bright political future, and, more importantly, it would allow more donor money to be saved for the real fight which will be, of course, to unseat Joe Biden, arguably the WORST president that America has ever had (surpassing Warren Harding, Barack Obama and even Jimmy Carter!) or to prevent the election of what ever surrogate is chosen to replace him.

Now, do I sympathize with those Republicans and independents that are wary of another chaotic four years of a Trump presidency? I do. And, am I aware of the man’s narcissistic personality and his apparent inability to stop childish and ill advised statements and communications? I am. Am I concerned with his mercurial mein? I am. None-the-less, I would ask American voters to do just one thing: consider how much better our country (and the WORLD) was during his time in office. Ladies and gentlemen, it is NOT a coincidence that the malicious actions of Putin, Hamas, the Houthis, Kim Jung Un and Iran did NOT happen under Mr. Trump’s watch. And remember, also, how strong (at least until the world wide COVID pandemic struck) America’s economy became under his management. So, as far as I’m concerned, I would welcome another four years of President Trump. I am willing to overlook the man’s deep personality flaws for the good that he did for our country and the world. And, I must admit that I do admire his tenacity and courage.

My main point here is, however, that even if you don’t agree with my Trump apologetics, and, even if you still don’t like the man, I IMPLORE you, none-the-less, to put all of your misgivings aside and vote and support him. It is IMPERATIVE that Joe Biden, or whatever “Mini Me” they put out to replace him, is shown the door. The Democrats have done enough damage to our country and the world that they MUST BE STOPPED! And, if that means electing a narcissist to the Oval Office, then SO BE IT.

But, in addition to voting for Trump in November, there’s more that must be done. Not only must we pledge to give him our vote, we must also do what the Democrats did with Biden in 2020: get fully behind him, NO MATTER WHAT! We must proclaim that not only is Mr. Trump a good candidate – he is a GREAT candidate! We must, literally, sing his praises. And, that would include totally ignoring his failings, just as the Democrats did in 2020 for candidate Biden. When Trump’s shortcomings are brought up, as they inevitably will, we simply say: “WE DON’T BUY THAT,” “WE DON’T AGREE,” or “We DON’T CARE!” or some such rebuff. We must then stress, again and again, all of his good points, how much better our country was, how much better the world was, etc., etc. We must learn to IGNORE whatever the New York Times says, whatever CNN says, whatever MSNBC says. We must close ranks and get behind Mr. Trump, unreservedly and unequivocally, here and now, and going forward. Twenty twenty four promises to be, I believe, a close contest. And, if we aren’t “all in,” the Democrats will win again and it will be another four years of Joe Biden or WORSE! In short, America needs to accept the Trump candidacy, stop the “holier than thou” bickering, and embrace a Republican/Trump juggernaut all the way back into the White House. We’ve got to be “ALL IN!” We CAN beat the Democrats at their own game! We CAN! Remember: “ALL IN!”

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