MAGA On The Couch January 13, 2021/ Uncategorized

Wednesday’s breech of the United States Capitol was so unprecedented, so surprising (it caught the entire DC police force off guard) and so uncharacteristic of the vast majority of Trump supporters, that it was hard to believe that it was actually happening. I, and the vast majority of America’s conservatives and Republicans watched in near disbelief as the mob broke

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Democracy Dies In Darkness January 10, 2021/ Uncategorized

“Democracy Dies In Darkness” has been the slogan of the Washington Post since 2017. And there is no question that the sentiment is true. But, true as it is, it is also the height of irony that it sits just under the banner at the top of the front page of the newspaper that is, arguably, one of the most

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The Capitol Breech And Aftermath January 7, 2021/ Uncategorized

This afternoon’s breach of the Capitol Building by pro Trump protestors was as stupid as it was inexcusable. None of the protestors could have thought that their actions would change the outcome of the election process. None of the protestors could have thought that the breech would further endear Trump’s MAGA movement to the American people. And none of the

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In The Time Of Cholera January 2, 2021/ Uncategorized

In his novel “Love In The Time Of Cholera,” Nobel Prize winning author García Márquez describes a situation where the cholera disease is used as screen for an illicit love affair. After consummating a very long running romantic infatuation aboard a river cruise, the paramours decide that their tryst should be kept a secret. When the boat reaches home port,

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