SCOOP! February 23, 2023/ Uncategorized

According to Wikipedia, in journalism, a “scoop” or “exclusive,” is an item of news reported by one journalist or news organization before others. In today’s world of intense media coverage and scrutiny, it’s awfully hard for an independent journalist to “scoop” the entirety of the world’s media. However, dear readers, this journalist has actually done so. What is that “scoop,” you ask? It involves, none other than über villain Vladimir Putin.

As evidenced by video footage of Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly (the Russian equivalent to our annual State of the Union Address given by American presidents annually in January) Mister Putin has had a serious Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) or STROKE.

Take a look at the following still image taken from video footage of the speech. Notice the droop of the corner of his mouth on the left hand side. Notice also the asymmetry of his eyelid function.

Compare these features to Putin’s appearance just a year ago when he announced the invasion of Ukraine:

Neither the lip droop nor the eyelid weakness is seen.

For an even more striking comparison, look at an image taken on August 3, 2022:

The difference is even more striking.

From a neurology point of view, the findings mentioned above indicate that Mr. Putin has had a hypertensive stroke. Most likely, that stroke involves the perithalamic region of the right side of the brain.

Isn’t it remarkable that NO ONE in the vast media enterprises of the globe has picked up on this?

Searching Google for references to Putin’s health, it turns out the possibility of him having other kinds of strokes HAS been bandied about in the past, due, primarily, to his awkward gait and his intermittent speech difficulties. None of the previous conjectures, however, have identified facial features that are pathognomonic of the type of stroke I’ve described.

Apparently, America’s perennially somnolent media, as well as the often obtunded world media, have missed this entirely. Such “august” media institutions as the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC have missed the boat. Perhaps they are so preoccupied with covering up Biden’s glaringly obvious dementia, finding evidence of “systemic racism” or identifying “micro aggressions” that they no longer notice crucial health issues in today’s geriatric world leadership.

Perhaps, SOMEONE in the world’s media will finally notice the stroke l’ve described and it will be accorded the significance it deserves, and, if so, remember, dear readers, you heard it first HERE.

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you. I would never have noticed it Thank you Bob

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