The Last Election? April 4, 2023/ Uncategorized

Beginning the conversation on Election 2024, I’d like to open with a question: What is THE most important factor that determines whether a nation will be successful and prosperous?… Is it geography? Natural resources? Demographics? Sociology? Alliances? No… All of these are important, but not the MOST important. The most important factor is, as analyst and commentator David Horowitz explains: “A nation’s success is determined by its culture. That is why a crowded island country with no natural resources, like Japan, is a prosperous industrial power, while Mexico, a nation rich in natural resources, and independent for more than a century, is so mired in corruption, poverty and gang violence.”

On the completely different topic of transgenderism, Horowitz again: “With other mental disorders… doctors and therapists don’t affirm the distorted self images of their patients.” As an alternative, “Rather than telling girls who like sports and the outdoors to undergo permanent disfiguration, doctors could expand the parameters of girlhood beyond dressmaking and baking. Likewise, boys who like the arts and fashion could be accepted as they are, and not told that they are ‘girls trapped in the wrong body.’”

And, Horowitz on a different topic altogether: “Radical utopians seeking to change the world invariably have three things in common: 1: They are in a hurry.” They feel that because their task is so large and opportunities so scarce, they must act with the greatest speed. 2: “Because they are in a hurry, they have no patience for persuasion and political process.” They prefer governmental mandate and edicts to consensus. 3: “They generate energy for their movements by singling out a social sub group and demonizing them.” Present day Democrats referring to parents at school board meetings that are alarmed by the curriculum being taught to their children, as “racists” and “white supremacists,” comes immediately to mind.

Lastly, as an “eye opener,” Horowitz quotes Harvard lecturer Noel Ignatiev: “We believe that so long as the white race exists, all movements against what is called ‘racism’ will fail. Therefore, our aim is to abolish the white race.” Not much ambiguity there!

Dear readers, all of the above razor sharp references, together with dozens more, are to be found in the recently published book by David Horowitz: “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be The Last” published by Humanix Books, 2022. It is available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and in ebook form via Nook/Kindle. It is a must read.

And, regarding the rather dramatic subtitle about the next election being “the last:” while I think it unlikely that America will completely dissolve the trappings of the electoral process, the more likely scenario is that the perpetuation and expansion of some of the things we have to some degree already (minimizing or eliminating voter identification requirements, allowing ballot harvesting, allowing huge amounts of mail in ballots [originally intended to enfranchise the disabled and truer absentees], reduced scrutiny of voter rosters, and the like) will render future elections prone to fraud.

How realistic are these concerns? I’d like to conclude with a quote from commentator Dennis Prager: “There is not one instance in history – not one – in which leftists gain full control of a country and then still ALLOW DISSENT.”

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