Have You Noticed?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 9, 2021/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, have you noticed? Have you noticed something important about Biden’s “first hundred days” record?

I think unbiased Americans (if there is such a thing as an “unbiased” American) or, perhaps, just fair minded Americans, would describe Biden’s first hundred days performance as “mixed.” There’s been the constant stream of gaffs and non sequiturs, as expected. We’ve already learned from Biden’s press Secretary Jen Psaki that he’s been instructed NOT TO TAKE QUESTIONS FROM REPORTERS, leading to the inevitable conclusion that Biden’s own team knows he can’t answer questions without prompting. Despite all of this, there have been some things he’s done an adequate job with. But, what I’m getting at, however, is that the areas in which he’s done a reasonable job have been those in which he’s essentially followed the Trump agenda – an agenda which he loudly critizized and campaigned AGAINST.

The most flagrant example of this has been his COVID policy. Although Biden’s been basking in the glow of claimed COVID management success, he’s done NOTHING to deserve the kudos. His COVID policy differs not one iota from that of his oft maligned predecessor:
1) Heavy reliance on vaccination.
2) Promoting the massive and unprecedented development and production of vaccine by contracting big pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) for hundreds of millions of doses (all begun by President Trump).
3) Using all available resources (government and private) for distribution.
4) Leaving state and local COVID policy essentially up to state and local governments.
5) Reopening the economy sooner rather than later. Reduction of COVID restrictions began after just MINIMAL improvement in infection rates and while vaccination rates remained in the LOW TEENS. This was done because Democrat policy makers realized (as was fully understood by Trump) that a closed economy generates NO TAX REVENUE, which is, of course, the life blood of government. You can’t pay police, firefighters, teachers, medical professionals, and, most importantly, POLITICIANS, by just printing money (the inflationary results would cripple our country). [And, by the way, I predict that very soon Democrat lawmakers will come around to the Trump plan to discontinue cushy paycheck support (many recipients were making more staying OUT OF WORK, than they made WHEN they worked). CBS radio had a recent feature on the “puzzling” fact that although there are millions and millions who remain out of work, employers can’t find people to hire. Although this puzzles many liberals, Trump knew that NO one would leave government income support to go back to work and make LESS money. Duh!
6) Travel bans! Remember when Trump initiated travel bans from China and other high COVID areas? Remember the outcry: xenophobia! racism! over reacting, etc. Well, guess who just initiated a travel ban?… Yep! None other than Joe Biden. As of May 4th, Americans are prohibited from traveling to India. The ban as it is today remains INDEFINITE.

Another Trump policy for which Biden seems to be enjoying broad support is pulling out of Afghanistan. Remember the UPROAR, however, when Trump initiated the same move? Remember how he was severely criticized for “abandoning our allies”, “uneven” foreign policy, etc.? Now, however, Trump’s decision that continued military presence in that fractious, fundamentalist non democracy was not worth the loss of another American life nor another American dollar. This complete reversal in media reaction to the withdrawl would be laughable if it wasn’t so infuriating.

Then there’s our southern border. Remember when Trump’s insistence on America’s right to protect its borders was called, somehow, “racist,” inhumane, unChristian, etc.? Well now, the shoe is on the other foot. Many Americans may be unaware of this (the media coverage was, shall we say, “soft”), but, on March 21st, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, declared that our southern border was CLOSED. The reader can confirm this through the following link:


Well, well, well…. After mounds of opprobrium had been heaped on Trump for EXACTLY the same position, it now turns out that our border ISN’T OPEN AFTER ALL. The free for all at the border following Biden’s Inaguration created a humanitarian disaster of gigantic proportions. Migrants by the THOUSANDS streamed into America, many of them wearing “Biden” T Shirts, and overwhelmed our resources. It seems that Trump was right after all. And, as a reader once said (thanks JM): it is unassailably true that “You can have a welfare state or you can have an open border – you can’t have both.”

Perhaps the most ironic example of Biden continuing controversial Trump policies is his continuation of Trump’s “militarization” of America’s police forces. As BLM violence continued through February and March of 2021 in response to perceived ongoing “systemic racism,” the Biden realized that they’d have to ready for escalation of protests into widespread riots and violence (as had been the case through the long summer of 2020), especially if, God forbid, Officer Chauvin was sentenced to anything less than being burned at the stake. Accordingly, the Biden administration was forced to to increase police and National Guard presence in potential “trouble spots” (namely EVERY American city with the possible exception of Paducah, Kentucky). In the age of “Defund The Police” this change in policy was so glaring that even some of Biden’s biggest BLM supporters complained. In fact BLM claimed of Biden’s increased “militarization” BEYOND that of President Trump. They released released a statement to that effect:

What???… I thought it was Trump who was the dictator. The tyrant. The Hitler. It turns out, that, when the responsibility of protecting lives FALLS INTO YOUR HANDS, police and military readiness is essential. Seems Trump was right AGAIN. Imagine that!

Having discussed some of the successful policies Biden inherited from Trump, one can ask “what about Biden policies in which he DIFFERS from Trump? How are they working out?”… Not so well, I’m afraid. But that, dear readers, is a story for another day.

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  1. Why haven’t the media shown Biden t-shirts on the illegal immigrants? A rhetorical question. We all know the answer.

    1. We DO know the answer, indeed. Thanks, Mike.

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