
Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ February 7, 2021/ Uncategorized

Most “breaking news” stories don’t really “break” anything. After the first sentence, the attentive viewer/listener/reader can pretty much predict the whole story, sans a few minor details here and there. Every once in a while, however, comes a “breaking news” story that is truly surprising. I encountered such yesterday.

The headline read: “Supreme Court To Consider 2020 Election Challenge Lawsuits In February Conference.”… What???… NOW they’re going to consider them???… NOW????… After Joe Biden has settled in, comfy and cozy, to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue???… NOW???!!!… Apparently so!

As the reader will recall, in November, the Supreme Court declined to even review formal legal complaints challenging the 2020 presidential election. This was not only disappointing, but was ASTONISHING, because several of the complaints were not based on a dispute of FACTS, but rather, POINTS OF LAW. In other words, no one disputes that Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor and state bureaucracy changed major election rules, some of them, literally, in the eleventh hour, in such a way as to favor Biden. And, this was done despite the fact that the Constitution does does NOT give them the power to do so (such power is invested ONLY in state LEGISLATURES). The facts are not in dispute. As such, the matter becomes a point of law, and legal complaints on the matter REQUIRE ADJUDICATION. The Supreme Court’s despicable dereliction of duty hammered the nail into the coffin of a dozen formal complaints of election malfeasance that could have called into question the results of the election. I suspect that the Court’s reluctance to get involved reflects their distaste for “wading into political waters.” Be that as it may, in circumstances like this, it is their JOB to do so, no matter how “distasteful” they might find it. With the Supreme Court, accordingly, I am disgusted.

While we’re on the subject of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts also appears to be ducking for cover. Earlier in the week, he announced that he would not preside over the second Democratic attempt to impeach former President Trump. The grounds for his refusal are, he says, that he is REQUIRED to preside only over a process that aims to impeach a sitting President, which, of course, citizen Trump no longer is. Although a strict reading of the law does appear to substantiate his position, there’s nothing in the law that PREVENTS his appearance. Unfortunately, his “exit stage right” leaves the senatorial impeachment officiating to pro tempore Senate President, Patrick Leahy, a “dyed in the wool” Democrat. Accordingly, any hope for impartiality goes out the window. With Justice Roberts, I am disgusted.

Frequent readers of my essays, I suspect, are not surprised at the sentiments expressed above. But, dear readers, my next assessment might surprise you.

I am disgusted, I must admit, by the Republican Party. The contemporary Republican Party is, as I mentioned in a previous essay, both fractious and feckless. They squandered the golden opportunities that were handed to them in 2016 by a victorious Donald Trump. Recall that Mr. Trump not only won the presidency, he won in an electoral landslide which SHOULD have been the basis for a clear cut mandate in matters of border security, immigration policy, support for the military, resistance against Chinese hegemony, America first economic and trade policy and many other issues. Instead of running with Mr. Trump’s amazing victory and helping him push his much needed agenda through Congress, they behaved in a petty, childish and self serving fashion. President Trump, single handedly, prevented a Hillary Clinton victory, a so-called “Obama Third Term,” and the likely demise of the Republican Party. You would THINK Republicans would be extremely grateful to Mr. Trump. Instead of gratitude, however, they were more concerned with their own self righteous appearances and political grandstanding. And, the Democrats and our beloved media played these myopic Republicans like a piano. Political absurdities like the REPUBLICAN anti Trump “Lincoln Project” (which, it turns out, received financial support FROM DEMOCRATS, and, who’s spokesman, John Wheeler, recently admitted pederasty) and the band of “holier than thou” “Never Trumpers” like Mitt Romney, (who, it now turns out, received money from uber Democrat George Soros), tried to undermine Mr. Trump’s every move. And now, with the ridiculous charges of “inciting an insurrection,” a number of Republicans are stabbing him in the back and going along with it. With the Republican Party, ladies and gentlemen, I am disgusted.

On a different matter entirely, I am also disgusted by the utter obeisance Pope Francis shows to Islam. No only has he publicly ingratiated himself to several Imams and Mullahs, not only has he washed the feet of Muslim immigrants, as Jesus might have, but KISSED their feet in the ultimate act of deference, not only did he neglect to offer sanctuary to Asia Bibi (A Christian woman who was kept in solitary confinement for EIGHT YEARS and then was sentenced to death in Pakistan for her faith in Jesus), the closest thing to a Christian martyr that this century has produced, but he’s done NOTHING to address the shocking Christian genocide CURRENTLY UNDERWAY IN FULL FORCE across Africa and the Middle East. Christians are DYING and he remains silent. With Pope Francis, I am disgusted.

And, don’t even get me going on other things deserving of my opprobrium, such as the American media, American academia, Hollywood and the United Nations. I’m disgusted with them too.

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  1. I heard about this months ago I did not believe it Still hoping it is not true…..

  2. Patrick, as usual, you are “spot on.” I am on the same page with you all the way, and not just with this article. Though I am not a politician, your wording makes your essays understandable to even me! My current beef/opprobrium is also with the Pope, and you have taken the words right out of my mouth on this. Shame on him. I will not kiss his feet, nor his ring, the ring of the fisherman. Some fisherman, going after our sworn enemies! And I won’t get started on Hellywood, as some Pastors have called it.

    I am already having anxiety about our new “leader,” who can’t even talk straight, so before I lose my cool, I will end this comment with thanks to you for having the courage to print your words! Kjeep up the good copy!
    -jeffrey joseph

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