Here It Comes February 1, 2021/ Uncategorized

Well, Donald Trump has barely unpacked his bags at Mar-A-Lago and America appears to already be heading straight down the drain, with Democrats leading the charge. As one reader (thanks NG) recently remarked: “they’re moving very quickly.”

Indeed they are. And don’t be reassured by all the “working for ALL Americans” boilerplate. It sounds nice, but they DON’T MEAN A WORD OF IT.

As the reader, I’m sure, has noticed, there’s been a remarkable flurry of activity coming from the Oval Office over the past two weeks. And, it’s especially remarkable considering that this activity is supposedly coming forth from a titular President that’s a doddering, senescent dement that can’t finish a entire sentence without a prompter, except, perhaps, to advise prepubescent girls to stay clear of “boys.” (In favor of old men, perhaps?)

The rumor is that the real instigator behind all this activity, surprisingly, is NOT Kamala Harris. Ms. Harris seems most absorbed, at least at the moment, in living the “high life” and biding her time, waiting, patiently waiting, for Biden to have a stroke, to compulsively molest a young lady on camera, or perhaps become so disoriented that he forgets he’s president, forgets who his advisers are, forgets what day it is, forgets who his family is, forgets WHERE HE IS, forgets what HIS WIFE’S NAME is, all of which HE HAS ACTUALLY DONE, at various times while on the “campaign trail.” But when all of this happens ALL AT ONCE, the 25th Amendment will be invoked and he’ll be asked to retire, step down voluntarily, or be put out, in one way or another, to pasture.

No, it’s not Kamala Harris who is behind the torrent of executive actions. The rumor is, shockingly, that it’s SUSAN RICE. Yes, THAT Susan Rice. The Susan Rice who lied BOLDFACEDLY and unapologetically to the entire nation when she blamed the Benghazi tragedy (in which an idealistic ambassador and three young State Department Americans were killed and the ambassador BUTCHERED with a bayonet) on a so-called “protest” against an obscure video that supposedly committed the unforgivable sin of criticizing the uber peaceful religion of Islam. The same Susan Rice that ordered the UNMASKING of people that were surveilled incidentally (not the person on whom the surveillance was being carried out) and, by law, who’s identity must be protected. The same Susan Rice that then LEAKED the names of those unmasked to the media. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she’s baaaack. And ready to attack our nation and conservatives wherever they may hide. At this point it looks like Rice may be the new Valerie Jordan (“VJ”), who was an advisor to Obama and who energized him early in his first term when he was too depressed to function. (This was before he was started on Provigil, a strong antidepressant and stimulant [that’s used by doctors to treat narcolepsy] that miraculously awakened the man from near catatonia. Remember how “flat” Obama became about 4 months into his first term, but then how he suddenly got animated again shortly thereafter?… It was Provigil that did the trick! By the way, although Obama’s Provigil use was admitted by staffers, supposedly to allow him to toil longer hours for the benefit of our nation, it’s rumored that he also used a virtual pharmacopoeia of other drugs while on the job. Along these lines, with a little digging on the internet, the interested reader will find a most curious video in which Obama clearly had a erection in his pants while standing in a campaign airplane aisle discussing, by phone, POLLING results from South Carolina! Several staffers can be seen on that video also filming the event, and everyone appears to be quite amused by the episode!… Viagra? Cialis? Who knows WHAT? While discussing POLLING RESULTS? My goodness!)

No, Ms. Rice is working overtime to usher in Obama, Version 3.0. And, she’ll get no “resistance” from Biden, I’m afraid. So, let’s look at what has ALREADY taken place.

We have already seen the discontinuation of Trump’s “Muslim Ban.” Leftists everywhere are overcome with glee. The common refrain we’re hearing is that this reversal “will try to undo the ‘damage’ that Trump’s ban caused.” Not discussed, however, is WHAT EXACTLY all that damage WAS. Was it the frustration of all the jihadi’s we’ve kept out, perhaps? Or, maybe it was the anguish of all the would be martyrs who’s date with seventy two virgins was delayed? Well, a few stories are told about how Muslin families were “ripped apart” (they LOVE that “ripped apart” phrase, don’t they?). Well, boo hoo hoo. If these severely traumatized Muslims were truly despondent, they were ALWAYS at liberty to rejoin their loved ones in Tehran, Baghdad or Mogadishu…. Were there any takers?… Apparently, not.

And, as hard as this is to believe, America is now scrambling to administer COVID vaccines to GITMO DETAINEES! You read that right! GITMO DETAINEES! As reported recently in the New York Post, GITMO prisoners (who are often described, somewhat charitably, in my opinion, as the “worst of the worst,” and whom, in short, are believed to be the most dangerous men in captivity anywhere on the planet) will get the vaccine BEFORE YOU DO! Say WHAT?… NO LIE! (If you don’t believe me, look it up: “Alleged 911 Mastermind, GITMO Detainees to start getting COVID vaccines.” by Ebony Bowden, Carl Campanile and Susan Edelman. New York Post, January 29, 2021. Accessed via:

Next, the caravans are BACK! AND THEY’RE ON THEIR WAY! Recently, Mexico tried to stop, unsuccessfully, hordes of Hondurans at their southern border from entering their country. To the eternal amazement of Democrats, Mexico doesn’t seem to WANT them, and, in fact, is very concerned that the migrants might try to settle in Mexico instead of America. So, after a recent phone conversation between Biden and Mexico’s president, Andrés Obrador, the tidy sum of TWO BILLION DOLLARS was dispatched to Mexico to help with “repatriating” the migrants. How much of that will actually happen remains to be seen. Currently there are still THOUSANDS of migrants on the march and heading north. Note that these migrants are not Honduran businessmen, civic leaders, middle class laborers or solid citizens. They are mostly illiterate, terribly impoverished, and somewhat restive migrants, that will be difficult, at best, to assimilate into American society any time soon, IF EVER. And, although it’s kept a big secret, these migrants are supported by leftist groups that supply them with water and food, and, by some reports, MONEY, to make the journey. Hard to believe? Yes, but have you ever wondered how penniless migrants can survive a thousand mile trek along the north-south axis of Mexico without food, water or any of the necessities of life?… Obviously, they can’t. Subversive groups finance the whole thing. And, unfortunately, the migrants are bringing much more with them than just their destitute selves. Many are bringing tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, venereal disease and other scourges. And many migrants, especially women and children, are raped and abused along the way. A humanitarian disaster is in the offing, brought on by Biden’s silly rhetoric. (Apparently, Democrats simply don’t understand that a nation, ANY nation, can’t have BOTH a welfare state, AND, open borders (thanks, JM). A nation gets to pick one or the other, but unless there are geographic barriers that prevent the flow of humanity, it CAN’T have both.)

Next, we ALREADY see Iran ramping up it’s anti American invective. As documented by several photographs, there was jubilation across Iran’s government at Biden’s victory (and despondency, among Iran’s advocates of Democracy, poor souls). President Hassan Rouhani is demanding the resumption of the JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (a title that is as nonsensical a piece of jargon as I’ve ever heard), the so called nuclear arms “treaty,” that America abandoned under the wise direction of President Trump. But even more shockingly, Iran continues to make this demand while, AT THE SAME TIME, BLOCKING U.N. INSPECTOR ACCESS to their nuclear facilities, as is REQUIRED by the JCPOA! Rouhani KNOWS that Biden won’t stand up to him.

And, we’ve already signaled our intent to rejoin the “for show” charade known as the “Paris Climate Accords,” despite the fact that NO SIGNATORY to the accords has managed to CUT THEIR “carbon foot print,” as promised, EVEN ONE LITTLE BIT! And, the ONLY nation in the world that has actually reduced it’s carbon emissions over the last decade is… the United States of America. And, recall, ladies and gentlemen, that the world’s BIGGEST POLLUTER (China) NEVER SIGNED THE ACCORD TO BEGIN WITH! Why, in the name of heaven, are we signing back on?

And, while we’re talking about China, the reader may have noticed that Chinese war planes have been entering Taiwanese air space and buzzing military installations. With Biden and his family beholden to China for BILLIONS of dollars, China KNOWS that Biden will not stand up to Xi Jinping, no matter WHAT he does. And FORGET, now, about protecting America’s intellectual property; it’s open season, once again. And, earlier this evening Sixty Minutes did an in-depth feature on Chinese data piracy. According to the experts interviewed, eighty five percent of Americans have already had their personal information HACKED BY CHINA. How can a president so compromised by his involvement with that country be expected to push back against such threats? He can’t, of course. Expect the already rampant Chinese hacking to get WORSE.

Then, we’re waiting with baited breath to see what concessions openly avowed socialist organizations like BLM will extract from Biden. A recent quote from one of their leaders, aimed directly at Biden, and referring to his electoral “victory,” was very clear: “YOU OWE US BIG TIME.” Indeed he does.

And, don’t think that the leftists and antifa activists are about to lay down their bricks and firebombs and rejoin peace loving Americans to work for the common good. Give them an arm, and they’ll take a leg. A riot recently took place, AFTER Biden’s inauguration, in Portland, Oregon (why is that state STILL considered to be part of America?). The heart warming slogan displayed on numerous banners and chanted by the rioters: “We DON’T want Biden! We want REVENGE!” Some of the placards featured drawings of semi automatic weapons. Apparently, these miscreants were unaware that gun possession is considered verboten by Democrats. Or, maybe it’s just verboten for conservatives?

And, while the two TRILLION COVID AID package #3, SOUNDS like a beneficent program that we can all get behind, such massive government spending does not come out of nowhere. Such continued largess will have to be paid for, eventually, by SOMEONE. And, it will, unavoidably, fall to the long suffering American worker in one of two ways. The first is unavoidable MASSIVE tax increases (despite what they SAY, Democrat tax increases are NEVER just on the rich [there’s just not enough rich people to go around], they inevitably are applied to just about EVERYBODY that works for a living)! The second, and just as pernicious way it will effect the American worker, is by runaway inflation. Such inflation will reduce EVERYONE’s buying power, having the same effect as tax increases. And, of course, it’s quite likely that we’ll get both. Anybody up for any of this?… I didn’t think so.

And, dear readers, this catastrophe of a regime change, is only TWO WEEKS OLD! And, since big media platforms are, under one guise or another, censoring free speech, organizing a true “resistance” will not be an easy task, the situation is unlikely to improve anytime soon. One shudders to think what’s in store for us.

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