In The Time Of Cholera January 2, 2021/ Uncategorized

In his novel “Love In The Time Of Cholera,” Nobel Prize winning author García Márquez describes a situation where the cholera disease is used as screen for an illicit love affair. After consummating a very long running romantic infatuation aboard a river cruise, the paramours decide that their tryst should be kept a secret. When the boat reaches home port, however, they don’t want to end the tryst so soon, so they cleverly convince the boat captain to display the yellow flag of cholera that would dissuade other people from boarding the boat, thereby giving the lovers more time for romance.

In what might be rephrased “Election In The Time Of COVID,” the Democrats have done the same thing. By raising the “yellow flag” of COVID-19, they were able to carry on several and varied illicit activities to support what has to be the worst presidential ticket in the history of our nation’s two highest offices.

First, the COVID “flag” was used to justify and vigorously promote “mail in” voting. There are two types of “mail in” voting: the first is “absentee voting,” in which the voter must REQUEST a ballot. This allows for verification of address and investigation of whether or not the applicant is ALIVE and has the legal standing on which to vote. While this type of voting is not completely fraud proof, it is considerably better than the second type of “mail in” voting, called “vote by mail.” This alternative was used extensively by Democrats in the run up to the 2020 vote. In “vote by mail” systems, state electors choose who will be sent UNREQUESTED ballots. Such ballots can then be sent in by ANYONE who receives them. The only check on the veracity of such voters is signature comparisons, and these were often overlooked during this election. “Mail in” voting also allows “aggressive” canvassing in which partisan operatives go door to door offering to deposit and sometimes FILL IN ballots for people who are not engaged enough to do so themselves. There are many people who have come forward saying they NEVER RECEIVED a ballot, despite the fact that voting records have recorded them as having voted! There are huge numbers of recorded voters who’s names are also on insurance company files, as well as town clerk files, as having been deceased. In Nevada, thousands of ballots listed CASINOS as their address of record! Many cases of voter records show the same name in two states. Caches of votes were, miraculously, “found” in waste receptacles, most often in conservative districts, of course. So, in the guise of COVID “quarantine measures”, problematic “mail in” voting reached levels never seen before. Putting “vote by mail” and “absentee ballot” totals together, there were 101,453,111 early votes! That’s SIXTY FOUR PERCENT of the total votes cast! (Source: The Council on Foreign Relations, James Lindsay, December 15, 2020, The opportunity for fraud hasn’t been this high since the last Venezuelan election of Nicolás Maduro.

The yellow flag of COVID was used in another way. During ballot reading and vote counting, in the guise of COVID protections, Republican monitors (who were LEGALLY authorized to be there), were forced to leave in many jurisdictions, opening the door to all manner of malfeasance. There have now been HUNDREDS of affidavits signed UNDER OATH, of supervisor instructions to back date ballots, ignore signature discrepancies, ignore improper formatting and the like.

And, again, the COVID excuse was used by government officials in several battleground states to fundamentally change the rules governing the election process. ALL of the changes enacted were favorable to Biden/Harris. The trouble is, while the Constitution does give states the right to manage their own election procedures, that right is accorded to STATE LEGISLATURES, NOT the state’s executive branches. All such changes by state executive branches, some of them “eleventh hour,” were, therefore, Constitutionally, ILLEGAL.

Concern about contracting COVID is likely to have also suppressed voter turnout among senior citizens, all of whom are aware (correctly) of their higher risk of COVID illness and death due to their age, and comorbidity, and some majority of which were more likely to vote for Trump/Pence than Biden/Harris. The ceaseless Democrat campaigns to exaggerate the transmissibility of COVID (in actuality, the serial transmission rate is 5.4% for COVID vs. 3.6% for influenza. Source:, and 76% for measles! Source: Factors Associated With Measles Transmission, Paul A. Gastanaduy, et al, JAMA Pediatrics, Nov 18, 2019), and, their unconscionable insinuations that the vaccines that were in development were likely to be ineffective or dangerous, was, in part, to work toward this end.

So, ladies and gentlemen, although the Democrats were no longer able to raise the “yellow flag of cholera” to hide their illicit election activities, COVID-19 did just fine.

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you . This is so true. Exactly what is going on today thank you

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