Democracy Dies In Darkness January 10, 2021/ Uncategorized

“Democracy Dies In Darkness” has been the slogan of the Washington Post since 2017. And there is no question that the sentiment is true. But, true as it is, it is also the height of irony that it sits just under the banner at the top of the front page of the newspaper that is, arguably, one of the most liberal in America. “Liberals” have, of late, been on the forefront of censorship and partisanship across the nation; purveyors of “darkness,” if you will.

Admittedly, a dedication to freedom of speech and freedom of the press USED to be an integral part of what USED to be called liberalism. Liberalism as understood by the founding fathers embraced the free and open exchange of ideas. Traditional liberals maintained a steadfast trust in the ability of the people to sort out what was true versus false, right versus wrong, and good versus evil. The people, in the liberal conceptualization, didn’t NEED to have self important journalists, activist CEO’s and “woke” agitators determine these things for them. Apparently, over the past two decades, however, this traditional understanding of liberalism has died a hidden death. And, few, if any, Americans seem to MIND.

Free speech was enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution in the first group of ten amendments also known as the “Bill of Rights.” One could argue, persuasively, that it was placed first because it’s the most important. The founding fathers felt that free speech was the ONLY way to ensure liberty. As Benjamin Franklin succinctly put it:

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

Free speech, accordingly, was of utmost importance to the founding fathers and the generations that followed, and it USED to be important to my generation as well. Recall that the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley, California in 1964, was the FIRST act of civil disobedience on campus in the 60s, and was primarily a “baby boomer” crusade.

But gradually in the 70s, 80s and 90s the seeds of free speech suppression were sown. It began with two simple words: “politically correct.” Those words were first used in print in a book titled “The Black Woman” by Toni Cade. Seemingly harmless at first, these simple words drew a line. They indicated that political views could either be “correct” or NOT. They implied that it was possible, even easy, to determine what was “correct” or not. And, they were a harbinger of a cultural shift that would, incrementally, begin to criticize, shame, chastise and, ultimately penalize those of us who might be foolish enough to harbor views that were deemed “incorrect.”

Culture police began to prowl our nation. First, in the halls of academia, then in the studios of the media, then the corridors of government and, now, most recently, in the corporate sphere as well.

These disturbing trends reached their apotheosis this past year with the “flowering” of BLM, Antifa and cancel culture. Now, one can lose their job, their property and even their life for views deemed verboten.

And, in lock step with the loss of the freedom of speech is the loss of freedom of the press in particular and the media in general. The unashamed suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story (which showed that then Vice President Biden was in a corrupt quid pro quo with China), and the suppression of Biden’s ADMITTED (on camera) blackmail of the Ukrainian government to not prosecute his son, both “Watergate sized” crimes which should have terminated his candidacy forthwith, was a deliberate dereliction of duty on the part of the press. And, emboldened by the likelihood that the soon to be convened one party Democrat government will not abolish the Section 230 protections that the social media platforms have enjoyed, the social media giants have conducted what amounts to a pogrom of conservatives. Twitter has indefinitely banned not only President Trump but, incredibly, General Michael Flynn, as well as Attorney Sydney Powell, articulate commentator Dan Bongino, and, even, briefly, the entire New York Post! Facebook, for their part has banned President Trump and legitimate groups like the “walk away campaign.” Various excuses are given that the banned persons or groups are “dangerous” or do not meet “community standards,” or that there’s “misinformation” or some such hogwash. The real reason is that these individuals or groups have been banned is that they are, simply, not “politically correct.”

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got to do something about this situation while we still can. I would advocate that we use a strategy that the left seems to use with great success: the BOYCOTT. Social media must be reckoned with first. I have deactivated my Facebook and Twitter Accounts (I’ve switched to, as an alternative to Twitter). Next there’s major media. Please do not watch CNN and MSNBC under any circumstances. Try One America Network or Newsmax instead. And, if you like them, share your recommendation with friends. As far as I’m concerned, Fox News can still be watched (Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham are very good) but the network has made some problematic moves of late, and, accordingly, should be considered to be “on probation” for the time being. And, last but not least, we must weaken the hegemony of shameless partisan newsprint like the Washington Post and the New York Times. Unsubscribe!

In sort, we can and must stand against the rampant censorship and political partisanship in American media.

“Democracy Dies In Darkness.” Indeed.

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1 Comment

  1. I recognize your desire to leave certain Networks and newspapers are good decisions; and I am glad that we still have that freedom…..I laugh (with tears) that’s the freedom to not watch could be blocked as well?! What else are they capable of?! I still think Fox is showing both sides and we should determine what we want to watch. I must confess I cringe sometimes when I am not in agreement—but cringing will not hurt me—and that it is a choice to cringe. Keep up the writing—putting everything into “normal” perspective.

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