He’s NO JFK: Commentary On Biden’s Nomination Speech

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ August 22, 2020/ Uncategorized

After listening to Joe Biden’s oratory last night, my first thought was: THIS MAN IS NO JFK. Judging by the content of his nomination speech, we can discern quite clearly what Biden (and the Democrat National Committee) think of the American people. In short, they are convinced that we are either very stupid or, at the very least, extremely gullible. Or BOTH.

The speech was chockablock with truisms, platitudes, cliches and nostrums. Even in a genre where such tropes are common, the density of them in Biden’s speech was breathtaking.

The platitudes were on full display right from the very FIRST LINE of the speech: “Give people light and they will find a way.”… WHAT??!!!… Okay folks, here’s some light! Go to it now! Find your way!… Joe, couldn’t your writers do BETTER than that???

Then, the stupidity/gullibility strategy kicks in big time: “The current President (is he too frightened to use Donald Trump’s NAME?) has kept America ‘cloaked in darkness’ for too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division.”… Biden would like the viewer to forget that the lion’s share of the anger, fear and division arise not from President Trump, but from Black Lives Matter, Antifa, leftist agitators and insurgents who continue to terrorize the American people, and who are cheered on by the Democrat elected officials and their media sycophants.

“If I’m elected, I’ll chose the best, not the worst.” Well, THAT’s a novel idea! I wonder why no one ever thought of that before? “Hmm… let’s see. THIS time, we’re gonna chose the BEST rather than the WORST! Am I a GENIUS, or what?” And then: “I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness.” Another refreshingly novel idea! May the force be with him!

“I will work hard for those who didn’t support me.” Really? That’s what Obama said too.

Then, there’s a lot of reference to “hope” and “light” and “love.” Writers: “STAY POSITIVE, JOE! POSITIVE!”

“Our youth have only known an America of rising inequity and shrinking opportunity.” Primarily during EIGHT YEARS of the Obama administration (in which YOU participated), I might add. After languishing under eight years of “Democrat economics”, incomes and opportunity have improved mightily under just three years of the Trump administration.

“America is in a time of peril.” Ah ha! FINALLY, something on which we agree! Just not for the reasons you think, Joe.

“Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency. Democracy.” Oh, yeah? What about your creepy attraction to young girls? What about all that innapropriate (and icky) touching and sniffing of GROWN women unfortunate enough to share a stage with you? What about how you violated Tera Reade (whom your own VP, Kamala Harris, said she BELIEVED)? What about forcing a sinecure at Burisma Holdings for your son Hunter in the Ukraine (and then BRAGGING about it on camera!)? Decency, Joe?…not so much.

Then there were Biden’s insinuations that Mr. Trump mishandled COVID-19. No mention was made of the Democratic resistance to Mr. Trump’s early (and prescient) travel ban from Wuhan (xenophobic, unnecessary, etc., they said). No mention was made, either, of his (correct) decision to leave most of the COVID-19 particulars to the discretion of State Governors because the COVID-19 situation was likely to vary from state to state. No mention was made of Mr. Trump’s major COVID-19 “Warp Speed” initiative in which he directed America to invest billions of dollars to streamline the development and production of vaccines (the ultimate strategy for dealing with the virus) and which will have the first doses available in a couple of months. Finally, no mention was made of the fact that the number of COVID-19 deaths in the US is 174 THOUSAND, TEN TIMES LESS than the 1.7 MILLION predicted by experts (source: New York Times, Sheri Fink, March 13, 2020). That doesn’t SOUND like “mismanagement,” does it, Joe?

Next there were his insinuations that Mr. Trump mishandled the economy. Biden: “One in six small businesses have closed.” “Mom and pop businesses will close.” “Working families will struggle to get by.” NO MENTION was made that before COVID-19, under President Trump, America enjoyed the greatest economic recovery it has had since the post WORLD WAR II boom. He made no mention that even with all the COVID-19 travails, America’s economy has begun to surge. Yesterday’s closing Dow erased ALL of the COVID losses. Retail activity is coming back strong. As are jobs. On August 7, the US unemployment rate was 10.2%. The highest unemployment under Obama, for comparison, was 10.0% in the fourth quarter, 2008. And that was WITHOUT COVID-19! (source: www.statista.com, Erin Duffin, August 7, 2020) In light of COVID-19, that doesn’t SOUND like “mismanagement,” does it, Joe?

Then, referring again to COVID-19, “The President still doesn’t have a plan.” Excuse me, Joe, perhaps you should spend a bit more time reading the newspapers. The President DOES have a plan. It’s called “Operation Warp Speed” a massive investment in vacine development and production and will bring about the ONLY definitive solution to this deadly virus; and will do it in record time!

“As God’s children each of us has a purpose in life.” Not, apparently, the unborn, however.

He then claims his father taught him that “A job is more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity.” Noble sentiments. Unfortunately, Biden MADE NO MENTION that in three short years, President Trump’s Administration created 4.7 MILLION jobs (compared to Obama’s 8.9 M in EIGHT YEARS). For further comparison, the three year adjusted Obama number (8.9 M total/8 years x 3 years) was 3.3 M, against Trump’s 4.7 M). Most gratifyingly, also, was the fact that much of the jobs Mr. Trump created benefited minorities and the middle class, driving minority unemployment down to its lowest level in HISTORY. There’s a lot of regained dignity in those figures, isn’t there, Joe? (source: Kimberly Amadeo, The Balance, June 18, 2020 – By the way, the figures had to be adjusted, as shown above, because the Obama figure is over eight years, and the Trump figure is over three).

Then a strange quote: “No man deserves one great love in his life.”… WHAAAAT? Joe, your writers should have gone through copy AT LEAST one more time. Or did you misread the prompter?

And then: “After the death of my first wife, Jill came into my life and put our family back together.” ACTUALLY, Joe, Jill came into your life a bit BEFORE you lost your first wife. As Jill’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, has attested, you were having an affair with her BEFORE your first wife’s untimely death. Fess up, Joe!

Then there was blatant pandering to black voters with a paean to George Floyd, a multiply convicted felon and drug addict whose drug addled resisting arrest precipitated his own demise as well numerous black deaths that followed in never ending riots, looting and violence. According to Wikipedia, as of July 25, the number of fatalities caused by the George Floyd “protests” was at least TWENTY NINE, 25 of which were by gun. (Source: en.m.wikipedia.org) That’s some role model to be emulated, isn’t it Joe?

Then, another oddity: “This is a moment to make hope and history rhyme.”… WHAAAT?… Those darn speech writers again! Did you PROOF READ copy, Joe?

Then closing “boiler plate”:


HALLELUJAH! And AMEN! (I added that)

Ladies and gentlemen, Biden’s speech on Thursday has GOT to be the worst nomination speech I’ve ever heard. But, if you, dear reader, found it all palatable, I have some prime swamp land that I’d like to show you…

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  1. The best swamp land I’ve seen, and have been in for a short while, is in the FL everglades. We stopped to feed the alligators some marshmallows, while I tried to take close up photos of their teeth! [Yeah, photogs go a long way for special shots sometimes!] What does this have to do with the election? Simple, swamp rats cause trouble. Dementia causes trouble. Vote for a man who holds his smart phone upside down?~!? … Trump has kept most of his promises. That’s the best track record anyone can boast of. Dear press/media people, of which I am a member: Stop harping on the negatives, and start talking about the positives! -jeffrey joseph 8/29/2020

    1. I agree, Jeffrey. Better watch those gators, though! Lol!

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