Right Before Our Very Eyes

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ August 13, 2020/ Uncategorized

Baby boomers who have suffered through the senescence of their aging and ailing parents know the anguish it can bring. But for the vast majority of the those suffering cognitive decline, their role in society has been mercifully diminished as loved ones and, sometimes, their surrogate care givers, guide and protect them. When painfully obvious mental decline occurs, however, in an individual still carrying responsibilities in the public realm, the result can be disquieting or even frightening. With this in mind, it is absolutely shocking to watch the clear cut mental decline evinced by PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Joe Biden and SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Nancy Pelosi. The remarkable progression of their dementia is occurring, daily, right before our very eyes.

The sad but alarming fact is that both Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi HAVE DIFFICULTY COMPLETING SENTENCES. Both LOSE TRACK OF THEIR TRAIN OF THOUGHT IN MID SENTENCE. Dear readers, this is an emergency. The following links are just a quick sampling of evidence of their dementia. The interested reader can quickly find many many more.

For Speaker Pelosi, see:

For Joe Biden, see:


Although it is hard not to feel sympathy for these two individuals in the twilight of their mental lives, it must not be forgotten what’s at stake here. Ms. Pelosi is not running to head the PTA. She is not running to head the Ladies Auxiliary. She is running TO RETAIN HER SEAT IN THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND ALSO RETAIN HER POSITION as the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, the constitutionally mandated THIRD MOST POWERFUL POSITION IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Likewise, Mr. Biden is not running for town dog catcher. He is not running for small town mayor. He is running for the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, arguably the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTED POSITION IN THE WORLD.

And, if the reader listened to Biden’s recent announcement of his choice of Kamala Harris for VP (which, was, at least coherent) the video of this phone call RELEASED BY THE BIDEN CAMPAIGN, revealed a bit more than they probably intended. As the reader can see in the screen captures below, it is clear that Biden HAD TO READ FROM A SCRIPT DURING THE CALL. And, a close look at the photos show that he’s holding the iPhone UPSIDE DOWN. While it’s true that he was on speaker function, the optics of the upside down phone are NOT the image he should be projecting right now.

For a cogent discussion of Biden’s call to Harris, see:

And, although the main stream media will try their darndest to obscure the truth, ladies and gentlemen, this state of affairs is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. PLEASE, don’t let media obfuscation of the impaired mental capacity of these two candidates go unchallenged: spread the word!

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  1. OMG This is unbelievable .How can they put someone like that on the ticket The people have to wake up before it is too late Wake up people wake up

  2. The worse that can happen.. Biden drops out of race .. Health problems. Harris goes for the president…………Hillary goes for VP……OMG Harris the most powerful job Hillary second most powerful job And Pelosi third most powerful OMG

  3. I think it’s time for “cooler heads to prevail.” Voting for a man with Dementia running for president? Let’s just use common sense. While our current president has his human frailties, he’s done a lot of good. It’s sad that the media is pummeling him so badly. No administration has been put under such microscopic scrutiny ever. ISIS has been slammed, economy, well, there are issues with that that the president doesn’t have control over. And the virus has shut us all down for a year, and maybe will do so longer. Let’s be patient, and give the guy a even break. Would YOU like his job? Could YOU handle the pressure he’s under. I will support him again in November. jeffrey joseph 8/20/2020

  4. I think it’s time for “cooler heads to prevail.” Voting for a man with Dementia running for president? Let’s use common sense. While our current president has his human frailties, he’s done a lot of good. It’s sad that the media is pummeling him so badly. No administration has been put under such microscopic scrutiny ever. ISIS has been slammed, economy, well, there are issues with that that the president doesn’t have control over. And the virus has shut us all down for a year, and maybe will do so longer. Let’s be patient, and give the guy a even break. Could YOU handle the pressure he’s under? jeffrey joseph 8/20/2020

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