Trusted Information? April 18, 2020/ Uncategorized

Numerous organizations in both the public and private sectors have offered to provide the general public with “trusted information” on COVID-19. Signs on the highway direct the motorist to call 211 (presumably when DONE driving) for “trusted information.” Over a dozen hospitals and health care systems throughout the tristate region advertise phone numbers and websites where the perplexed can call or log on for “trusted information.” Online there are a plethora of websites, often conflicting, offering “trusted information.” Numerous public leaders have come forth claiming to have “trusted information.” Muslim imams claim that Allah has provided them with “trusted information.”

With such a glut of “trusted information,” it seems highly ironic that almost ALL of the purported “trusted information” provided thus far has been STONE COLD WRONG. I’m NOT claiming, however, that ALL of this wrong information was DELIBERATE (lies), although SOME of it clearly was. And, although much of the false information was unintended, the truth of the mater is that, aside from the the basic axiom that “COVID-19 is BAD”, almost EVERYTHING we’ve been told about this virus has been eventually shown to be WRONG. Let’s survey some of the erroneous pronouncements in chronological order.

Much of the following timeline can be confirmed by the reader by going online to an ABC News article that was published on April 9 and is accessible via the following link:

In addition, other references are cited in the text when necessary.

1) The first wrong information on the virus was actually NO information. Chinese authorities were aware of the deadly disease in early December, 2019. (The first cases actually occurred in the Chinese city of Wuhan in November). A very high fatality rate was obvious right from the beginning. So what did China do?… Nothing. They did not even notify the World Health Organization until December 31, at which time they played down the danger. (It’s obvious, however, that they were AWARE of the danger, because, on Jan 1, 2020, they ordered all COVID-19 samples at their virology lab IN WUHAN to be destroyed).

2) To continue their attempt at deliberate subterfuge, the Chinese government rounded up 8 “whistleblower” Chinese doctors who were foolish enough to try to alert the world online of the danger, and coerced them into retracting their statements, claiming that the doctors were “rumor mongering.” (One wonders about the true fate of the first “whistle blower” doctor who was said to have perished from the disease).

3) Next, in early January, China claimed that the disease was contracted at a “wet market” (live animals) in Wuhan and likely came from bats (yes, they EAT bats in China!) and anteaters (yes they eat them too!). They already knew by that point that there were documented cases of the disease that had NO connection to the market. Their exclusion of the non market cases in their reporting was WRONG.

4) Next China claimed that the disease was zoonotic (spread only from animal to human) but not contagious (transmitted from human to human). This claim was WRONG, and they knew it was wrong by late December.

5) On Jan 3, the World Health Organization (WHO) substantiated China’s claim of no person to person transmission. This was WRONG. The WHO completely reversed this claim on Jan 20, admitting that there IS person to person spread.

6) On Jan 15, there is FURTHER evidence that the Chinese Government was fully aware of the gravity of the situation because they demanded the inclusion of a caveat clause in the US/China trade deal signed on that date. The clause allowed China to reduce some of its contractually promised purchasing if THERE WAS A PANDEMIC.

7) On Jan 20 the first US case is confirmed.

8) On Jan 23, the WHO reports that the virus is NOT an “international health emergency.” This declaration is WRONG. In addition, they issued clear directives stipulating that there was no need to restrict travel or commerce to and in China. These directives are WRONG.

9) On Jan 24, preceding the Chinese New Year Celebration, government officials IN THE UNITED STATES became concerned about that most serious of all crimes, racial profiling. New York City Commissioner of Public Health, Oxiris Barbot, encouraged New York residents to celebrate Chinese New Year IN CHINA TOWN. Connecticut’s Governor, Ned Lamont is filmed having dinner in A CHINESE RESTAURANT. These recommendations that Americans should continue to visit Chinese communities and patronize Chinese businesses are WRONG.

10) On Jan 26, while reporting artificially low infection rates, China recommends anti AID’s drugs for treatment of the disease, implying that they were already using experimental protocols requiring large numbers of patients.

11) On Jan 27, after nearly a MONTH of procrastination, the WHO finally sends representatives to China to investigate.

12) On Jan 30, CDC announces criteria for quarantine of US citizens being repatriated from Wuhan. Fever is said to be an essential symptom of COVID-19. This statement is WRONG.

13) On Jan 31 President Trump’s ban on travel to and from China is criticized as “racist and xenophobic” by Democrat politicians and the subservient main stream media. The travel ban turns out to be correct but the criticisms are proven WRONG.

14) On Feb 1 U.S. health authorities discourage healthy Americans from wearing facial coverings, saying they were likely to “do more harm than good.” (Source: Both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have repeatedly said that ordinary citizens do not need to wear masks unless they are sick and coughing. (Source:, Jan 31, 2020). This recommendation is WRONG. On April 3, 2020 both the WHO and CDC CHANGE their recommendations and now say that people SHOULD wear masks. (Source:

15) On Feb. 2, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio stated at a coronavirus press conference, verbatim: “What is clear is the only way you get it is with substantial contact with someone who already has it. You don’t get it from a surface. You don’t get it from glancing or very temporary contact based on what we know now.” New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot added: “This is not a time to fall prey to false information that you may be seeing on the internet, to fall prey to the stigma.… This is not something that you’re going to contract in the subway or on the bus.” ALL of these statements are WRONG.

16) Feb 10 the WHO FINALLY sends a formal team to China to investigate. This team will later issue a report on its investigations whose conclusions are, demonstrably, WRONG. (see below)

17) On Feb 17, China publishes a paper claiming the COVID-19 is NOT as dangerous as SARS. This paper is WRONG.

18) By February 28, WHO continues to REFUSE to call COVID-19 a “pandemic”,
saying saying that to do so would not “be helpful.” This position is WRONG.

19) On February 28 the WHO-China Joint Mission On Corona Virus Disease issues a glowing report praising China’s management of COVID-19 disease. This report is WRONG.

20) By February 29, the WHO was STILL advising AGAINST travel and trade RESTRICTIONS. This position is WRONG.

21) On March 2, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said of corona virus, verbatim: “it’s not as grave a threat as other illnesses such as ebola or influenza.” This statement is WRONG. (Source:

22) On March 3, the Chairman of the Center For Disease Control (CDC), Robert Redfield and the Commisoner of the Food and Drug Administration, Stephan Hahn, both informed Vice President Mike Pence that a million COVID-19 tests would be available by the end of the week. This prediction was WRONG.

23) On March 24, President Trump declared that he expected the country will be reopened and “raring to go” by Easter. This forecast is WRONG.

24) By March 27 the WHO was STILL maintaining that the disease is NOT spread by aerosols (as opposed to droplets). This conclusion is WRONG.

Question: Looking at all of this, is there ANYWHERE we can look for “trusted information?” Answer: Among today’s government leaders, the WHO, and media purveyors, apparently not.

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