One Ounce Of Humanity April 16, 2020/ Uncategorized

One Ounce Of Humanity

There’s much about Joe Biden’s demeanor and behavior that cries out for the descriptor “creepy”: The many videos of him having his hands all over women AND young girls are gross to say the least. The videos of him SNIFFING women and rubbing his face in their hair are shocking. Then there are the tales of staffers who NEVER let him be alone with young women or girls, as well as the accusations of former Nevada Democratic Assembly woman, Lucy Flores, and EIGHT other women, of innapropriate sexual behavior and unwanted touching. All of the above, and more, gives one the impression that he’s a major creep. But, I ran across something on him recently that’s even more disheartening.

In March of last year a former Biden staffer, Tara Reid, came forward with an accusation that, in my mind, is even sadder than all of the above.

In an audio interview with internet blogger Katie Halper, Ms. Reid recounted an incident that occurred in 1993, in which Biden trapped her against a wall and did a number of unwanted things, including penetrating her under her skirt with his fingers.

Last year, Reid told part of her story in the interview. She was reluctant to recount the full story as she was frightened of the “pushback” she would face for having the temerity to accuse the Democrat Party’s last great hope to challenge Mr. Trump for the Presidency. It turns out, she was right to be concerned. After the interview was published online and through a pod cast, Democrat operatives went right to work. They defamed her and even put out a meme that she was a RUSSIAN OPERATIVE trying to “influence” our election! She was also “doxed” by the Democrats as well. For readers less acquainted with contemporary “newspeak”, a person is “doxed” when their personal information, identity and “documents” are published on the web, endangering that person both financially, psychologically, and even physically). Even after this took place, she tried again to speak out in January of this year, but was, again, ignored by major media. The interview was podcast, yet again, in March of this year when it came to my attention.

The interview can be listened to through the following link. This particular link must be copied and pasted into your browser:

I recommend that the reader take five minutes and listen to at least the excerpt which begins the podcast, for two reasons: First, I think that if the reader LISTENS to the woman tell her story, any doubts that they may have had vis-á-vis truthfulness and sincerity will vanish. Second, the way the story is told will help me make the point concerning humanity that I alluded to in the title.

During the interview, Ms. Reid reports lurid details of Mr. Biden’s attack, but there is one aspect of the incident which she found so disheartening that she, initially, couldn’t bring herself to even MENTION. The skillful interviewer, Katie Halper, circled back to Reid’s omission eventually, and then gently coaxed her to divulge what she wasn’t able to share initially. Although Ms. Reid does get a bit choked up, she is able to relate the following: After she pushed Biden away, he pointed his finger in her face and said coldly: “You’re NOTHING to me,” and, then, repeated, “You’re NOTHING to me.” and then turned away. In essence, what tormented Reid the MOST, was NOT betrayal by a previously trusted individual, whom she referred to as a “father figure.” It was NOT being overpowered by a much stronger man. It was NOT being manhandled, or abused, or, even, being penetrated. What really demoralized her, what really saddened her, what really BROKE HER HEART was being told that she meant NOTHING to him. That she WAS NOTHING to him. This insult, above all else, was, literally, unspeakable. And, of course, she’s right. He had savagely disparaged her self worth. And, without a sense of self worth, she, and, indeed, all of us, are nothing. Nothing at all.

Later in the interview Ms. Halper asks Reid why she found it so difficult to articulate what she finally recounted. Reid responded with a statement that rings so true: “Because I didn’t want him to know how MUCH HE HURT ME.” It was her very humanity, of course, that made her bleed as she did.

But, at least she HAD humanity. If Biden, on the other hand, had at least one ounce of humanity, of empathy, what would he have done?… He would have APOLOGIZED, then and there. He would have said something like “I’m SO sorry! I wrongly thought you were interested in me sexually. I am SO sorry!” Or, “I am SO sorry! I must have been overcome by your allure!” Or some such thing. He would have made her feel that it was a mistake on HIS part, which it was, and that he feels terrible about it, and could she please forgive him? He would have said that, or something like it, if he had, inside of himself, just one ounce of humanity. He didn’t.

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