State Of The Union Address 2020, Part One: Nancy Puts It All Together February 6, 2020/ Uncategorized

There are moments in life, sometimes, that seem to encapsulate, in one fell swoop, a trend, story, narrative, movement or slice of history. Such moments tie together a myriad of things; events, speeches, campaigns, and controversies. Ronald Reagan’s bold challenge to Russia: “Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!” was such a moment. Then there was John Kennedy’s: “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty”. Nikita Khrushchev, at the United Nations, referring to Western Democracy while banging his SHOE on the table: “We will BURY you!” Then George W. Bush, referring to terrorists after 9/11: “There are some that feel they can attack us and get away with it. My answer is: ‘BRING ‘EM ON!’” And FDR’s “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.”

All of these moments stand as emblems of a time, place and strategy. They shine as the intentions and commitments by which the course of history is steered. Last night we witnessed another such moment. And, although I could certainly cite President Trump’s magnificent State of the Union Address as an example, I’d like, instead, to focus on something else. Something that was, effectively, the opposite of Mr. Trump’s speech, but, in its own way, just as demonstrative.

I’m referring to the behavior, during President Trump’s State Of The Union Address, of the Speaker of the House of Representatives who is also the de facto leader of the Democrat Party and, remarkably, the THIRD person in the line of succession to the Presidency of the United States of America: the “Honorable” Nancy Pelosi.

At the end of the address, Ms. Pelosi did something that I’ve never seen any politician do in any public forum. (Nor have any of a dozen or so experienced commentators that spoke on the news networks after the address). As Mr. Trump was finishing his remarks with an inspiring forward looking message of a bright American future, Pelosi deliberately and visibly TORE UP her copy of the President’s speech. And she did so in multiple batches just in case viewers didn’t quite catch it the first time.

As such, the American people were treated to a petulant display of childhood behavior that was not only inappropriate for the “august” Speaker of the House, it was inappropriate, really, for anyone who’s an ADULT. It was the political equivalent of a temper tantrum. Had she done this as a student in primary school, she would have been remanded to the principal’s office, made to stand in the corner, or at the very least given a “time out.”

The meltdown was, however, emblematic of EVERYTHING that’s wrong with the Democrat Party today. It showcased just how embittered the Democrats have become. It was the culmination of everything the Democrats have been for the last 3 years: negative, narcissistic, jealous, partisan, vindictive, juvenile, petulant and destructive. It also was demonstrative of everything they’ve been doing for the last 3 years: NOTHING. Tearing up the printed (and SIGNED) copy of the speech didn’t build anything. It didn’t accomplish anything. It didn’t strengthen America. It didn’t even strengthen her own party! In essence, it was a “gift” to Republicans who will, undoubtedly, play that video clip in political advertisements again and again come next fall.

Now, every scientific discipline has a set of core axioms which are taught in every text book and by every teacher. In evolutionary biology it’s “survival of the fittest.” In economics it’s “the law of supply and demand.” In physics it’s “conservation of energy.” In child psychology (isn’t it AMAZING that we’d have to analyze the Speaker’s behavior utilizing the scientific precepts derived from studying eight year olds?) it’s “frustration leads to aggression.” There was NEVER a better demonstration of this principle than Ms. Pelosi’s behavior last night. Tearing up the speech was just about as aggressive as she could possibly get without actually PUNCHING THE PRESIDENT IN THE NOSE! And, it’s very clear, that she is horribly frustrated. Not only was Donald Trump elected in 2016, but her signature counter strategy, the Mueller investigation into Russian “collusion”, was a monumental failure. And, to top that, Mr. Trump went on to have a VERY successful term in office and the impeachment debacle (officially concluded today with full acquittal) backfired in her face resulting in dramatic rises in Mr. Trump’s popularity and approval ratings. And, with only very weak presidential candidates on offer, her party in tatters, and the Democrat Caucuses in Iowa a DISASTER, she’s embarrassingly in danger of being bested again. So, suffering from the most frustration ever endured by a politician in American history, she did what any self respecting 8 year old would do: SHE ACTED OUT!

It’s probably worth mentioning a word about Mr. Trump’s supposed “slight” of Speaker Pelosi, the so called “ignored handshake.” Apologists for Mrs. Pelosi today claimed that her actions were justified because Mr. Trump disrespected her by not shaking her hand after he handed her the transcript. For a number of reasons, this excuse doesn’t hold water. The FIRST slight was NOT Mr. Trump’s! It is the tradition that, when introducing the President, the Speaker says “It is my HONOR to introduce the President of the United States.” Yesterday, however, Mrs. Pelosi couldn’t quite bring herself to say that. Instead, she said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States.” Then, if the reader will look at a video of that interchange taken from a side angle:

you can see: 1) Pelosi doesn’t extend her hand to Mr. Trump until he is already turning away from her to reach the podium. 2) Mr. Trump did not shake Vice President’s Mike Pence’s hand either. His supposed “slight” to the Speaker appears to have been unintentional.

So, once again, we’re forced to conclude that the the Speaker’s behavior was nothing so much as a school room tantrum.

TIME OUT, MISS PELOSI!!!… It’s time, YOUNG LADY, for you to STAND IN THE CORNER!!!… For the rest of the period, YOUNG LADY!!!… And if I catch you doing it again, YOU will see THE PRINCIPAL!!!!

And, after all that, did it help her cause?… To answer that, I’d like to end with a quote from Senator Lindsey Graham: “She can tear up the speech, but she CAN’T tear up the accomplishments!”…. ‘Nuff said!

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1 Comment

  1. Nancy Pelosi has shown nothing but hate …….you were right she is a spoiled BRAT .Many people say she looks as if she always had too much to drink. Trump is going to have another hard four years .I hope more people help him

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