Out Of Control

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ February 4, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest author “Little Sister”

Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing widespread madness throughout an out of control Democratic Party. Their bitter hatred for Trump and their irrational desire to pretend he never won the 2016 election is shocking in its intensity. It appears that liberals feel they can take any measures, break any laws and run roughshod over the Constitution in order to remove him from office. They feel that they somehow answer, as James Comey put it, “to a higher moral law.” In reality, the Democrats are crossing the line into Fascism. Yes, Virginia, there ARE Fascists in the government. But no, they DON’T include the President.

The liberal elite have taken it upon themselves to determine what is “right” for this country and they have done it with an absoluteness that leaves no room for dissent or even discussion. As I have written before, what the liberals really want is an end to the two party system. If you look at some of their campaign adds, they want not only to defeat the Republican Party, they want to CRUSH the Republican Party. Many of the liberal Democrats truly feel that a conservative Republican has no place in government, especially if he is a straight, white male. Diversity apparently does not include those of Western European descent. What this amounts to, really, is a one party Fascist state (some might prefer “socialist state” but there’s really little difference). We should recognize this for what it is: truly terrifying.

And some of these people, denizens of the “Deep State”, have stooped to the most egregious activities. Some spied on the Trump campaign from its inception. Some fabricated false “dosiers.” Some made plans to impeach him even BEFORE he took office. Some did their best to undermine his every move. Some began to leak confidential and sensitive material from President Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders and private meetings with his own staff. (Although leaks of this kind are clearly illegal, so far, NO one has been prosecuted for them). In fact, former FBI Director James Comey even wrote a book BRAGGING about it. The liberal “resistance” grew bolder as it grew more desperate, giving us claims of Russian collusion during the election, resulting in a special prosecutor and the Mueller report. Private citizens were arrested, some on trumped up charges, and were interrogated and intimidated. Thirty five million dollars was frittered away to find absolutely no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia about anything.

Trump’s “collusion” victory infuriated the Democrats even more. In their heart of hearts, they still couldn’t believe that the 2016 election represented the will of the American people. Of course they appear to have forgotten that THEY were the ones in office for eight years BEFORE 2016 and had little to show for it. And, rather than give credit to President Trump for the dramatic improvement in America’s economy, they claim that the economy had been “poised” to take off in 2017 and the credit, therefore, should go to Obama. In reality, of course, Obama throttled the economy, which HAD been ready to rebound on HIS inaguration. His policies and directives gave us the weakest post recession recovery in American history. Wages were stagnant at all levels. In fact the Obama years were hardest on the people who voted him in: minorities and millennials.

But now we have a Democrat “call to arms” in the form of a highly partisan impeachment that was brought forth on the flimsiest of premises. Even some Democrats concede that Trump’s actions alone aren’t grounds for impeachment but, rather, it is his ‘motives’ that are suspect. Were this reasoning to be true, people could be judged guilty by their THOUGHTS alone. Is no one BOTHERED by this? Is no one CONCERNED? Isn’t it OBVIOUS that Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY) are two lying, hypocritical fruitcakes leading what is basically a coup d’etat aimed at our lawfully elected President? Fascism is waiting in the wings.

As I’m writing this, it appears that the Senate will acquit President Trump. This, however, is unlikely to be a medicament, but will, in all likelihood, give rise to yet more self righteous Democratic fury. Nancy Pelosi already claims that the expected acquittal “won’t count” because, she says, without witnesses it wasn’t “really” a trial. The fact of the matter is that the Senate is not obligated to call witnesses if it so chooses. It is NOT under the control of the House of Representatives. And the Houses of Representatives should refrain from casting aspersions because its own impeachment hearing was nothing short of a sham. Much of it was held behind closed doors and witnesses, all with axes to grind, hand picked by the Democrats with no Republican input. Republicans not only were prohibited from picking witnesses, they were barred from even questioning them. And then, hearing the sanctimonious Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi going on and on about their “noble intentions” and their “solemn duty” to God and the Founding Fathers, was down right nauseating.

But, the media, apparently, is on board with anything the Democrats want to do or say. The New York Times, unashamedly, titled a recent editorial, “A Dishonorable Senate” and then went on to call the United States Senate “nothing more than an arena for the most base and brutal—and stupid—power politics”. WHEW! So much for civility and professionalism!

All of this has made it more than clear that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. Now, it must be conceded that President Trump is, perhaps, not the most gracious president we’ve ever had. No President, however, has ever had to deal with hundreds of people in the government actively working against him and with the media cheering them on. This may not be the time for a President with a sensitive soul. But Trump marches to his own drummer and that’s not a bad thing right now. In spite of being under constant attack he has done great things for the country. Wages are finally increasing especially for the low income groups. Trump is standing tough on China’s theft of our intellectual property. Most people are better off under Trump than Obama and that includes, especially, the people who didn’t vote for him—the minorities and the millenials. Let’s hope they wake up, count their blessings, and vote accordingly. Derangement stops here.

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