The Fat Lady HAS Sung June 17, 2019/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM.

Quarterback and sports announcer Don Meredith famously said that an opera isn’t over until “the fat lady sings.” This saying derives from the fact that operas often end with an aria by a zaftig prima donna. The proverb is often applied to sports, but it’s got a place in politics too.

The soap opera that is the Mueller report SHOULD be over. The curtain should fall. The lights should come up. The “fat lady” HAS sung! There was NO COLLUSION. Yes, there was Russian interference. EVERYONE already knew about that (Including, by the way, the Obama administration as far back as 2014). There was never any evidence, however, that Candidate Trump or his campaign were involved with it. As for obstruction of justice, Mueller couldn’t find enough evidence of that either. Would President Trump have liked to fire him? Of course he would have. He said as much. But the fact is that Mueller WAS NOT FIRED. The issue is, therefore, hypothetical. Neither Mueller nor Nadler nor Schiff nor Pelosi nor Schumer can indict or impeach our President on a hypothetical alone.

The Democrats, however, continue to beat the dead horse, and they’ve been aided in their efforts by Mueller himself. Unable to bring Trump down on his own, Mueller has snarkily hinted that Congress should do so. Isn’t it time to put an end to this farce? Since Mueller couldn’t find criminal activity, despite 2 years, $40 million dollars and a team of rabid anti-Trumpers (remember Peter Stzrok), it is simply ludicrous to think that yet ANOTHER investigation will be able to do so. None-the-less, the Democrats keep trying to keep their narrative alive. Why such intransigence, you might ask?

Ultimately, their obstinance stems from their refusal to accept the results of the Constitutional election process that elected Donald Trump. They have euphemistically called this refusal the “resistance.” Despite the “inspiring” ring to that term, what it really represents, in this case, is something quite dark. It goes way beyond disagreeing with Trump. It goes was beyond even hating him. It represents nothing less than an attempt to reverse the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next that is ordained in our Constitution, and which is essential to the very existence of our Republic.

What the term “resistance” really means, in 2019, is the promulgation of a one party system of government. The Democrats feel, apparently, that they have the right to take over our country for “our own good”. This frightening agenda is manifest in many ways. In addition to the endless investigations of President Trump, current efforts to try to eliminate the electoral college is one of the big ones. Advocating an increase in the size of the Supreme Court (so that they can restock it with Democrats) is another. Democrat parents telling their children to be afraid of the lawfully elected President is yet another. These things are wrong at their core and are dangerous to our system of government.

As Americans, we reject this type of “resistance”. We reject this dark agenda. We reject the endless repetition of a false narrative. The “fat lady” HAS sung.

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  1. I truly believe the fat lafy has sung.That they are wasting our money,while giving themselves raises. Its time to close the door on investigations on President Trump and get on with doing there job. Build the wall,fix the infrastructure, issue voter IDs,fix the census,build a gallows for all the guilty “SWAMPERS”.Amen

  2. Agree fully Geri. I’m working on another essay on this very theme. It’ll be titled “One Trick Pony” Thanks!

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