The Need To State The Obvious June 20, 2019/ Uncategorized

When John F. Kennedy gave a speech in front of the Berlin Wall in June of 1963 the quote most people remember is: “Ich bin ein Berliner” (“I am a Berliner”). During the same speech Kennedy also said that, although America wasn’t perfect, “we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in.” The message, that thriving societies don’t need to lock people IN, was, of course, obvious. But, as history has shown, at that time and in that place, it was NECESSARY for the President to state the obvious. Or, more precisely, it was necessary for the President to state what SHOULD have been obvious.

Currently, there’s tremendous fury among “progressives” that Republicans seek to require citizenship verification as a prerequisite to voting. The reason for this requirement is, of course, the same as it is, for example, for requiring young people to verify their age when purchasing cigarettes. Verification is required, in both circumstances, because not EVERYONE is honest. Obvious, right? Well, not to “progressives.”

Recently, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has claimed that President Trump is creating “concentration camps” of migrants on our southern border! The flaw in her analogy, however, is that prisoners of true concentration camps (Nazi camps, Communist camps, Khmer Rouge camps, and others) were brought there AGAINST their will. Migrants, on the other hand, enter our country on their own volition. Obvious, right? Well, not to “progressives.”

Presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand said recently that Social Security must be expanded to iinclude llegal immigrants because it is their “right.” She said this despite the fact that Social Security is projected to go broke in 15 years. She tried to defend her position by saying the illegals would be made to pay into the system. The flaw in this argument is, however, that migrants, even IF they started paying this very day, would never be able to “catch up” to the contributions that 70 year old American citizens payed into the system for some 54 “interest bearing” years! Obvious, right? Well, not to “progressives.”

And, as details emerged regarding the recent (partially secret) agreement between the US and Mexico to stop the massive flow of migrants into the southern US, one of the surprising aspects of the agreement was the fact that Mexico has agreed to FREEZE THE BANK ACCOUNTS OF THOSE ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE BANK ROLLING THE CARAVANS!… WHAT?… People are BANK ROLLING the caravans???!!!… Apparently so!… So, what are we to make of this?.. Well, we are forced to conclude that the whole thing was a SET UP. The caravan migration was devised, organized and supported by wealthy provocateurs (the billionaire “commie” George Soros immediately comes to mind) that sought to use it for their political ends. The migrants were mere pawns in their grand scheme. Obvious, right? Well, not to “progressives”.

Recently, the Congressional Committee RE-INVESTIGATING Trump/Russian collusion, opened its hearings with… Watergate villain John Dean. Yes, THAT John Dean! The fact that they had to resurrect an 80 year old convicted felon as a “star witness” should make it clear to all they are grasping at straws. Obvious, right? Well, not to “progressives”.

On a different note, the recent murder of actor and rap star Nipsey Hussle received extensive media coverage. When Rap stars end up murdered, which happens on a fairly regular basis (Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., Jam Master J, Soulja Slim, Bad News Brown, Lil Phat, Nipsey Hussle and MANY others.), people come out of the woodwork, invariably, to exclaim what a great humanitarian the poor deceased rapper was. The music industry, Hollywood, and American media then appear to be MYSTIFIED that such a thing could happen! And happen. And happen. The fact is, however, that the whole rap genre began in violent gang culture and grew up in violent gang culture. The violence that can be found in rap lyrics, as well as in the life styles and personal associations of the rappers themselves, might, just might, have something to do with the fact that many come to an untimely end. Obvious, right? Not to “progressives”

And, June 12 was the 25th “anniversary” of the murder of Nichole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman at the hands of former NFL great OJ Simpson. The “anniversary” prompted a re-release of a scandalous interview that Simpson gave to Soledad O’Brien on the murder. During that interview, Simpson went on to smugly recount the grizzly attack as a thinly veiled “hypothetical.” The interview (and the book that preceded it) were, initially, shelved for being far too offensive for public consumption, but ultimately aired years later. Many people and even media commentators professed shock that the Simpson, who was, amazingly, acquitted of the crime in criminal court (but NOT in civil court, where he was found guilty) would stoop so low. A number of commentators asked “Why would he do such an interview?” The answer, of course, was simple: he was BRAGGING. Obvious, right? Not to many “progressives.”

Sometimes, you just have to state the obvious.

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