The Alligators Are On The Run August 18, 2018/ Uncategorized

There’s an old saying about things that get “out of control” that still rings true today. It applies to political situations as well as non political. If you’ll excuse the mild vulgarity, I’ll quote it here:

When you’re up to your ass in alligators,
it’s hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, truer words have never been spoken. As President Trump discovered immediately upon taking office, he was indeed “up to his ass” in alligators. From day one (and even BEFORE day one in the transition period) he was surrounded by voracious partisan operatives (referred to by some as the “deep state”) hand picked by Obama, not for their exemplary resumés or extraordinary talent, but for their ideological compatibility with his leftist agenda. From day one of the Trump Presidency these Obama appointees went to town. Outrageous leaks of secret discussions and classified material were RAMPANT. Our President was fed false and misleading information from the very top levels of government. A number of his appointees were entrapped by the deep state FBI. Michael Flynn, for example, endured relentless questioning by the FBI under direction from Sally Yates, in what has called a “perjury trap”, in which his recollections of his conversations were compared to transcripts of tapes of those conversations that the FBI ALREADY HAD. And, it has since come to light that the agents doing the questioning had come to the conclusion that Flynn had not, KNOWINGLY, committed perjury. A spurious “investigation” was started based upon false and misleading information that had been commissioned and PAID FOR by opposition Democrats. Subsequently, as part of this “investigation”, associates of Mr. Trump were brought up on what appear to be flimsy charges in an apparent attempt to “squeeze” damaging information from them to be used against Mr. Trump. Even family members were placed under harassing scrutiny. The swamp would prove, indeed, to be a vicious foe with a bite stronger, even, than those reptiles.

Which is why Mr. Trump’s success, thus far, in achieving the promised “drainage”, deserves our admiration and celebration.

Several swamp denizens (the top ones ALL appointed by Obama) have been routed. I’ll list these individuals in order of egregiousness:

First, there’s John Brennan, former Director of the CIA and a bold faced enemy of our President. And, we might add, a convert to Islam. It still boggles the mind that an Islamic acolyte could be appointed to America’s TOP job in intelligence when, at the time, the most important stream of intelligence concerned hostile activities by members of that religious group. How could his judgement be fair and objective when the terrorists under suspicion were his co-religionists? Recall, that under his watch, the term “Islamic” was DROPPED from the CIA’s policy and procedures manuals! And, despite the COMPLETE lack of evidence for Trump/Russian collusion (after nearly 2 years of INTENSE scrutiny), Brennan, in an interview from Tuesday, said that he STILL believes that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia! And, Brennan’s lack of judgement is nothing new. In 1976 he voted for Gus Hall for president of the United States. Who was Gus Hall? He was the leader of the American COMMUNIST PARTY! And, recall that 1976 was at the height of the Cold War! And THIS man subsequently became head of the CIA??? It boggles the mind.

Next is, of course, the bold faced lier and self promoter, James Comey, who, through personal actions and through the actions of others under his direction, leaked secret material to the press. Although much of this leaking remains shrouded in secrecy, there is at least one case where he has ADMITTED doing so. During his testimony to the Congressional Intelligence committee, Comey flatly ADMITTED leaking classified material. And, by the way, leaking classified material is a FELONY under the US Penal Code. Comey implied, however, that he shouldn’t be prosecuted for this felony, because it was for a “good cause” you see. And, recall that it was Comey who played the pivotal role in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton, writing the letter of exoneration BEFORE the “investigation” began in earnest.

Then, of course, there’s former Director of Intelligence, James Clapper. Not only is Clapper apparently clueless (He once claimed, for example, the the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular”!) but he is a repeat perjurer. Going way back to March 13, 2013, in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, he was asked point blank whether the NSA surveils non criminal Americans. He answered, verbatim: “No, sir…Not wittingly”. This, of course, has been subsequently proven to be completely false when it came to light that the NSA surveils MILLIONS of Americans electronically without warrants.

And, more recently, Clapper, after evading prosecution on the proven perjury described above, was at it again. And, again, it was in testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, this time in 2018. Clapper was asked point blank if he leaked the Steel “dossier” to the press. At first he DENIED this categorically. When presented, however, with evidence that he had, in fact, leaked the “dossier”, he conceded that he “may have spoken with (CNN reporter) Jake Tapper (by the way, the reader may recall that it was Tapper who fed debate questions IN ADVANCE to Candidate Hillary Clinton, giving her a decided advantage in the proceedings) about the ‘dossier’”. Then, when pressed further, he admitted that he “might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic.” Recall, that the “dossier” was classified material at that point. So Clapper is not only a serial perjurer, he is also guilty of leaking classified documents as well.

Next, is Andrew McCabe. The issue here, again, is, among other things, leaking classified material, this time on the Hillary Clinton investigation, to the press, and then covering it up. He’s also directly cited in the Peter Strzok email evidence of FBI operations to PREVENT a Trump Presidency, where he’s referred to as “Andy”.

And, then, there’s bold faced and repulsive partisan Peter Strzok conspiring to prevent the Trump Presidency. “We’ll have to stop it.” were his exact words. Not something you’d expect in unbiased and fair government servant. And, recall also, that he played a major role in white washing the Hillary “investigation”.

So, as of Monday, all of these swamp creatures were gone. And Trump remains. Quite a bit of “drainage”, wouldn’t you agree?
So, a celebration of sorts, is in order. But there’s more to do. Robert Mueller (with his malfeasance going all the way back to Uranium One) and his band of extremely partisan attorneys is next on the list. And then there are also still quite a few denizens left on Capitol Hill itself. It’s up to the American voters to handle them in November. Let’s hope they’re up to the task. The alligators are on the run.

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