Standing Up For America August 18, 2018/ Uncategorized

As my readers probably know, I am no fan of our President’s penchant for Tweets and verbal sparring with his critics. However, there’s one aspect to his Tweeting that I do endorse, and that is Mr. Trump’s willingness to call out blatant anti Americanism when it surfaces.

Earlier this week,Andrew Cuomo, the democratic governor of the State of New York, and, some suggest, a possible future candidate for the Presidency of the United States, claimed during a New York City bill signing speech, that, verbatim: “America was never that great“. That’s it, folks: “NEVER THAT GREAT”…The greatest country in the history of human civilization was “never that great”?The country that stopped the murderous regimes in German and Japan from taking over the world, was “never that great”? The country that stopped the relentless advance of Communist brutality, was “never that great”? The country that took in MILLIONS of legal refugees from across the globe, was “never that great”? Really, Andrew? You should be ASHAMED of yourself.

Since that pronouncement, he’s spent the last two days trying to “back pedal” on his astonishing assessment, saying it was “inartful”. No, Andrew, it was not “inartful”. In homage to the late singer, Aretha Franklin, I would say that it was, instead, DISRESPECTFUL. It was a disgrace.

Cuomo, like many liberals and “progressives” pays lip service to “love of country”, but deep down in their heart of hearts, they are seething with disdain for our great nation. And, President Trump, in a series of tweets, called him out on this. And, Mr. Trump was right to do so.

Two years ago, the San Francisco 49er’s Colin Kaepernick (an orphan adopted by two Americans Rick and Theresa Kaepernick) kneeled during the National Anthem, thereby refusing to honor the nation that had been so good to him. And, he CONTINUED to disrespect the United States Of America during every game he played since, and goaded many other fine athletes to do the same. In a long series of Tweets, President Trump called him out. And was absolutely right to do so. Kaepernick REMAINS unemployed.

These two examples are but a drop in the bucket of anti American disrespect. Now, I will concede that some degree of anti Nationalism has probably always existed in a minority of Americans throughout our history. But, the difference between now and past eras, is that NOW such anti Americanism is NOT disparaged as it would have been in past eras. In fact today it is LAUDED by Democratic politicians, academics and minions in the leftist media. The disrespect is ubiquitous.

Remember when Michele Obama stated, shamelessly, that she was “NEVER PROUD OF AMERICA until Barack was elected”? That statement, and many others by the her and her husband, should have ended the Obama candidacy. But, no one in government or in the main stream media called her out.

Remember when Obama’s “spiritual mentor” the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright, in a speech recorded on video exclaimed: “Some people may say “God bless America”… Well, I say “GOD DAMN AMERICA”. No one in the main stream media said a word.

Well, dear readers, SOMEONE must take this plague of anti American hatred to task. Someone must “push back.” If no one else in government, academia or the media will stand up for pride in America and castigate these anti American malcontents, it might just be up to President Trump to do so.

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