Why Independents Need To Vote Republican This November

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ August 14, 2018/ Uncategorized

Forget registered Democrats. They’re a lost cause. No amount of reality testing seems to effect their voting, or even their political thinking. The rationalizations they use to avoid reality are often amazing. Our booming economy is the result, get this, of Obama’s fiscal policies. ONE THOUSAND dollars in the pockets of America’s middle class is, get this, “crumbs”. Achieving parity in international trade is “straining alliances”. Successfully forcing our NATO partners to fulfill contractually agreed upon levels of defense spending is “turning friends into enemies”. Reducing illegal entry into our country is “heartless”. Eliminating subsidies to hypocritical and false “allies” (like Turkey and Pakistan) is “dangerous”. Etc., Etc. People who spout such drivel are beyond the realm of rational analysis, so we won’t bother with them here. Fortunately, they are NOT the majority.

The largest political affiliation in today’s United States Of America is: none. Independents are our largest “voting block”: 41-46% over the past 12 months. (Source: Gallup Polls). Although the reality of this metric is challenged by liberal advocates such as the Washington Post, it does appear that this “non affiliation” is here to stay. Accordingly it is they who will decide America’s future. Which is not such a bad thing. Voters not driven by doctrinaire philosophy might be more practically minded and more responsive to “reality testing” than their more ideological counterparts. I can think of far worse hands to put our country in.

Accordingly, independents will have important decisions to make this November. Thirty five of the 100 Senate seats, and all 435 seats in the House Of Representatives (Source: Wikipedia), will be contested this this November. Of the seats in the House, 48 are considered “in play”. (Source: New York Times, 3/26/18). Of The 35 Senate seats that will be contested in November, 12 are considered “in play” (Source: USA Today, 9/7/17). Thus, 60 races will determine the direction our Nation will take.

Independents will have ample reasons to vote either for or against what amounts to the Trump agenda. On the “for” side are the tangible and palpable results he’s achieved: major successes in the economy, manufacturing and business. Tax reduction. Long overdue corrections to wayward (and sometimes outright CRAZY) foreign and domestic policy. And the removal of leftist conspirators in our law enforcement and intelligence bureaus. On the “against” side is Trump’s erratic and, at times, capricious modus operandi, and his penchant for unhelpful and even juvenile tweets (in particular) and ALL forms of communications (in general).

But, as important as these factors are, there is an exquisite, major, and fundamental reason to vote Republican this fall. And, it’s nothing less than the preservation of our form of representative government. Let me explain.

As we were all taught, from grammar school on up, the essence of the American system of government is the division of power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches, with “checks and balances” being an integral means of correcting malfeasance in any of them. For this system to function, it is absolutely essential that rules for interaction between these divisions be followed. And, it’s essential that ALL parties accept the decisions that are the outcomes of that process. Congress MUST accept the decision of the electorate in choosing the President. And, it’s essential that the courts accept the precepts of the Constitution as the basis by which they adjudicate.

Not liking the choice of the electorate is NOT grounds to remove an elected official, be it the President or the local dog catcher. The Constitution sets out clear rules for such removal. Those grounds are NOT met presently, under any stretch of the imagination. Yet, the Democratic Party has tried mightily to pretend that they are. Three separate groups of Democratic legislators have filed “articles of impeachment” against President Trump. None have made a convincing case for the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard that is supposed to prevail. These “articles” have gone nowhere because they are, in fact, preposterous. Which is why the Democrats are so DESPERATE for the Mueller “investigation” to come up with something, ANYTHING, that might LOOK like grounds for impeachment. The actions of the Democrats during this administration have amounted to nothing less than the modern equivalent of a coup d’etat. The ONLY thing preventing such a coup is NOT the principled stand of the Democrats. It’s NOT their reverence for our Constitution, or, even, their respect for the American people. No, it’s none of those things. A coup has been prevented ONLY by the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Should BOTH of these fall, it is possible that an impeachment could take place, not only threatening the numerous accomplishments I have alluded to above, but threatening the proper operation of our system of government, as well as thwarting the expressed will of the electorate.

So, dear readers, especially the independents among you, voting Republican in November is crucial not only to President Trump (like him or dislike him), the Trump agenda (like it or dislike it), but, more importantly, to the preservation of the way in which our political system was designed to run. There is MUCH at stake.

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