AMERICA UNDER ATTACK June 6, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM. How long do Americans have to watch video footage of people burning our cities? How long do we have to watch masked terrorists assaulting innocent people? How long do we have to endure sniveling politicians and Hollywood elite make excuses for this behavior? We can no longer beat around the bush: America is

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It Was NOT Murder June 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

The death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd is without doubt a tragedy. It will haunt Floyd’s family and will irrevocably damage the lives of the police officer/officers involved. It will reawaken the fears of apprehensive minorities across the land. It will call into question the equity of our system of law enforcement. It will fan the flames of racial divisiveness.

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UNPRECEDENTED May 30, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM. Less than six months ago, we were ringing in the new year with all the usual optimism, unaware that 2020 would be a year like no other in our lifetime. By New Year’s Eve, however, the seeds of global disaster were already out there, silently and inexorably spreading throughout the world. COVID-19, the

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Memorial Day 2020 (Virtual Observance) May 28, 2020/ Uncategorized

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our nation in countless ways. This past weekend it stifled many of the Memorial Day observances that would have normally taken place. In leu of public memorials, many patriotic Americans were forced to commemorate our fallen heroes in a new way: virtual observance. To that end, I posted a stirring photograph of an eagle keeping

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The COVID-19 Socialist Trap May 19, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM. The COVID-19 pandemic seems on its way to becoming all things to all people. Many people see it as unfathomable daemon, but the Democrats, however, see it as a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. The pandemic, they feel, gives them the chance to remake our democracy into the socialist state of their dreams. And they appear

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Democrat Agonistes May 15, 2020/ Uncategorized

The Democrats, for the last three and a half years, have lived, breathed and dreamt of only ONE thing. They have desired, sought after and coveted only ONE thing. From the time they open their bloodshot eyes in the morning to the time they enter into a restless sleep, they see only ONE thing: the removal of Donald Trump from

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Setting The Record Straight May 6, 2020/ Uncategorized

Our national media is filled with slanted reporting, misleading analysis and false conclusions. Some of it is quite blatant but some of it requires a bit of looking into to expose the duplicity. And some current narratives really “cry out” to have someone set the record straight. A few examples: First, consider the Hydroxycholoquine controversy. Because President Trump was enthusiastic

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The Wuhan Coincidence: One Simple Point May 5, 2020/ Uncategorized

The Wuhan Virus Coincidence: One Simple Point Dear Readers, I’ve decided to put a limited number of forthcoming essays in a new format that I’ll call: “One Simple Point.” While many issues of the day are complicated problems requiring multifaceted analysis, some issues need a more focused approach. The following is my first essay in this format: The Wuhan Virus

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A Nation Sized Petri Dish May 2, 2020/ Uncategorized

While researching my recent essays on the Wuhan Virus, I came to a shocking conclusion: ALL of the world’s viral pandemics began in China. I’ll repeat that: ALL of the world’s viral pandemics began in China! This was quite a revelation for me; I had NEVER seen it laid out as such in any book or taught by any educator.

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