Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ July 26, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written by guest writer LRM (who will henceforth be referred to, at her request, as “Little Sister”).

“Maybe we’ll have a summer of love” intoned the mayor of Seattle in June after a section of her city was occupied by a group of protesters who turned it into the CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone), later termed CHOP (Capital Hill Occupied Protest). Well, she must have been California Dreamin’ since Seattle has been anything but peace and love. It started out in the grand tradition of flower children everywhere, with community gardens, colorful murals and teach-ins. No police were allowed in the area after they had been basically evicted from their precinct police station by rioters. who then surrounded the area with barricades. Only a few short weeks later in this brave new world, there had been 6 shootings in a four square block area. Two of them were fatal. Again police were not allowed to respond. There was also extortion, robbery and violence.

Protesting is easy but forming a working society that protects its citizens, not so much. But by this time the media was beginning to ignore CHAZ or CHOP since it had became just another squalid, violent slum. Even Seattle’s liberal mayor, Jenny Durkan, conceded it had to go and it was finally bulldozed into history. By this time most of the peaceful protesters had fled in fear for the lives.

Lest you think this is an isolated learning experience, the situation has been repeating itself in Portland, Oregon minus the pretense of flower children. Again the media was carefully ignoring this protest since May 29 until President Trump sent in FEDERAL officers to protect the FEDERAL courthouse. It seems that the “protesters” had been setting fires in it night after night. They also burned a police union building to the ground. Still, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was convinced it would have all gone away in just a few days, if only President Trump had not intervened. Oh, REALLY?

One media commentator went so far as to say: “What Trump calls “anarchy” we call “democracy.” Or, REALLY?

Although there is no question that the right to protest is an integral part of democracy, when I think of protesters, I think of people on the town green or peacefully marching down a street holding signs and voicing their grievances. My image is NOT of people wearing gas masks, dressed in black and carrying pipes at midnight. These are not protesters expressing their right to free speech and free assembly. They are rioters, insurgents, and revolutionaries bent on destruction. This is NOT democracy in action. This is uncontrolled violence and anarchy. Portland has been silently tolerating almost two months of this increasingly violent behavior. This is not the summer of love. This is the SEASON OF HATE.

The overwhelming theme this summer is not that black lives matter or any other social justice topic. The theme is pure hatred directed at our country. These are not simple protesters, peaceful or otherwise, but rather highly organized Marxist, Socialist and left wing insurgents who wish to transform this country like Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela were once transformed into the People’s Republics of Hell. Look how well that experiment went. If this goes on, you may not recognize America in a decade. The most prosperous, free country in history could be just that—history. It’s happened before to other countries and it can happen here, too.

Although the causal observer might scoff at these communist nightmare scenarios, thinking that “it can’t happen here,” such scenarios become plausible when the “fourth estate”, the media, is derelict in its role as “watchdog.” And this dereliction
of duty is already happening: the media dwells endlessly on baseless “investigations” but fails to report any of the accomplishments of the present administration. Poorly disguised propaganda flows continuously. Even Americans with no role in politics or the media are afraid to say anything that isn’t “politically correct” for fear of being labeled derogatory names or losing their jobs. Mob rule is becoming the order of the day.

Wake up America! Following along with this and excusing the violence is not being a good liberal. It is participating in the overthrow and destruction of our Constitution and our country. You can make a difference. VOTE this November. Don’t let the mob take away the best hope for the future of our world.

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