The Blooming Apocalypse: A Clockwork Orange Come True July 29, 2020/ Uncategorized

In 1971, Stanley Kubrick’s film “A Clockwork Orange” both fascinated and horrified audiences. It painted a dystopian picture of what England (and western civilization) might look like in the not too distant future. The movie’s theme involved sociopathic violence, but it also sought to portray a society in the process of dissolution. Everywhere were scenes of urban decay. Inhabiting tumbledown cities were dissipated people pacified by mind numbing drugs. And prowling among them were gangs of thugs inclined toward casual sex and even more casual violence. As we look at today’s America, it is painful to see just how prophetic Kubrick’s vision was.America’s cities are overrun with violence, drugs, riots, crime, insurrection, murder, anarchy and insanity. Scenes of the looming apocalypse are everywhere. While doomsayers in the past have a long history of being proven wrong by our surprisingly resilient society, we will not be so lucky this time around. Here are pictures and headlines, all of them recent, showing our national descent into ruin.

I have decided to post these shocking images and news headlines because you will NOT see them on the six o’clock news. In fact, if it were not for the internet and a handful of authentic news sources, you wouldn’t see them at all. The images you’ll see are the real life result of the “lofty principles” by which liberal city politicians have run their cities for the last 30 years. While the dark side of human nature can hardly be blamed on liberal politicians and derelict media, the ineffectual and inadequate way our society RESPONDS to these challenges is without question their fault. Homelessness has been tolerated, drug use has been accepted, crime has been ignored, the police have been stymied, “get out of jail free” policies have been enacted, illegal immigration has been encouraged, violent demonstrations have been unopposed, and destruction of property, both public and private, has been condoned. How much more of this can America withstand? With these images in mind, and with an important election 100 days away, the reader will have to answer this question for him or her self.



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