A Bonfire Of Demagoguery

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ July 9, 2020/ Uncategorized

A demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument. While demagoguery has likely been present since the dawn of civilization, and while emotions DO play a valid role in the political process, it would appear that, in today’s America, it has reached epidemic levels. Since the death of George Floyd in police custody on May 25, the video of his demise has been incendiary, sparking demonstrations, riots, looting, violence and a plethora of death. As of June 26 there have been FOURTEEN THOUSAND arrests. As of July 5 there have been TWENTY SIX DEATHS directly linked to the protests. In addition, deaths indirectly linked to the protests, have also skyrocketed. Many of the indirect deaths are criminal homicides that have blossomed like a deadly flower when police are tied up controlling the protestors, and perhaps a bit intimidated by the unfair scrutiny they must be aware of. Homicides in Los Angeles alone went up TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY percent (source: LAPD).

Fueling all of this murder and mayhem is vicious demagoguery by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, as well the abrogation of fair reporting by our cowardly media. And, the Democrat party, driven by their mortal fear of another Trump victory in November, have been fanning the flames. All rational perspective has been lost. All understanding of the vital and highly dangerous nature of police work, especially in the volatile inner cities, has been forgotten.

And, the most inflammatory weapon in the demagogue’s arsenal aimed at police is, without question, the George Floyd videos. And, it’s true that the videos are heartbreaking and difficult to watch. NO ONE condones what happened to Floyd. But, people must NEVER forget that such violent videos are a double edged sword. In the following two clips, violence equally as disturbing as the death of George Floyd, is captured on camera. (Please make sure the sound of the video is turned on for both). The first video is accessed with the following link:


This was recorded by the dash cam of the female officer’s squad car. I don’t think that anyone, with the possible exception of a rabid black anti white racist, can watch it without revulsion.

And, least the reader suspect a racist motive behind the selection of this video here, the next video involves a white assailant, and is equally horrific:

The perpetrator here, though unarmed, required THREE police officers AND a taser to subdue. Though unarmed, would ANYONE claim that this individual was not dangerous?… I didn’t think so. And, it should be kept in mind that a violent criminal can go from “unarmed” to “armed” in a heartbeat should he get hold of the officer’s service weapon, as was attempted in this case.

The point here should not be, and is NOT, racial. This is NOT a matter of black versus white. The point here is that EVERY SINGLE DAY, police officers encounter incredibly dangerous perpetrators, be they black or white, and put their own lives in jeopardy. The criminals are not only dangerous to the police officers on the scene, but they are dangerous to the public and even dangerous to themselves. They MUST be controlled. And controlling these individuals, many of whom are high on drugs or alcohol, and many of whom have a criminal record, often with a history of violence, is a harrowing task, to say the least. In the crucible of a lifetime of such terrifying encounters it should be regrettable but not surprising that “excessive” force occurs at times. The harsh reality of the dangers that our police officers encounter MUST NOT be forgotten when judging (or “defunding”) America’s police. Especially in today’s bonfire of demagoguery.

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