January 6th, 2021 Revisited

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ October 14, 2022/ Uncategorized

Every week or so, lately, one or more of the January 6 rioters come up for sentencing and are given what many on the internet are calling excessive or even draconian sentences. There are many online articles and editorials that are quite sympathetic to these individuals. Those articles speak of how their family life has been disrupted, their reputations have been besmirched, that they face uncertain prospects in prison, and that their motives were actually good, etc. Although I am sympathetic to the motivation of these individuals (a distrust of the 2020 election “results”) and am extremely supportive of their animus (a high suspicion of 2020 electoral fraud) and am personally outraged that a highly successful President who did wonders for our country was essentially deposed from office) I remain, none-the-less, UNMOVED by the perpetrator “sob stories.”

Although the Jan 6, 2021 demonstrations at the Capitol were in no way what the Democrats and media have claimed, an “insurrection,” (there is no such thing as an UNARMED insurrection), I have absolutely no sympathy for the January 6 perpetrators that breeched the Capitol – for three reasons.

The first is that breaching the Capitol was CLEARLY A CRIME. And, EVERY protestor that breached barricades and the Capitol itself, KNEW that what they were doing was ILLEGAL. Such deliberate criminal activity is, in my opinion, inexcusable. After all, as conservatives and staunch Republicans, aren’t we the party of law and order?…Well, AREN’T WE?

Second, the Capitol breach was a supreme example of over arching STUPIDITY. What did they THINK would happen? Democrats would “come to their senses” and re-install Donald Trump to the Presidency? “Oh, here’s a protestor in face makeup and a Viking Hat! Maybe we were wrong, after all? Toss out the election!” Or that the legislators would fear for their lives and overturn the election results in the face of a rag tag and UNARMED group of clowns? Or was their strategy to hold hostage any Democrat that unwittingly wandered into their clutches, until?… Well, until what?… the hostage cries “Uncle?” The hostage PROMISES to change their vote? A sniper takes out the hostage taker with a bullet to the brain? None of these scenarios had the faintest chance of ever achieving ANYTHING positive. What WERE they thinking? Or, WERE they thinking?

The third reason, and most important reason, that I am unmoved by the ongoing prosecutions, is that the Capitol breach hurt our conservative movement BADLY. VERY BADLY. Not only did it firmly characterize Trump supporters as hopelessly stupid (as discussed above), but it fed into the “white supremacist” narratives that Democrats and the left are using to paint conservatives and Trump supporters as “extremists” and DANGEROUS. Ladies and gentlemen, the January 6th rioters hurt our movement terribly. So, as far as I’m concerned: throw the book at them.

Now having said that, there ARE several aspects of that terrible day that DO bear scrutiny.

First, although I favor stiff punishments for the January 6th rioters, I am dismayed when I contemplate that the multitude of “George Floyd” rioters that prowled unchecked throughout America’s cities in the summer of 2020, creating BILLIONS of dollars damage, thousands of injuries as well as a dozen deaths, went completely without punishment or reprisal. In fact, the media, in cahoots with the Democrats and leftists, often made those rioters out to be HEROES, rather than what they really were: CRIMINALS. After all, NO ONE, be they “red” OR “blue” should be above the law.

Second, There is some evidence that the January 6th rioters were egged on by “false flag operatives.” Although accusations of such are fiercely contested by the left, there is some evidence that did occur. For example, there is a video of a known, multiply arrested Antifa activist, John Earl Sullivan, exhorting rioters to “go for it!” and enter the building. (Sullivan, again on video, actually admitted to participating in the breech, but claimed, get this, he was only there as a “journalist.”) Why haven’t we heard anything more about him? And about his arrest and prosecution? Also, it is clear that the Capitol Doors were NOT broken down by the rioters. There is security video taken by cameras INSIDE the Capitol showing that the doors were opened by a uniformed official INSIDE the building, after which a flood of rioters simply walked right in. What was that uniformed individual going to do, organize a GROUP TOUR of the building? To this day, I have heard of no substantiative investigation of this troubling fact.

Third, there still has been no TRUE investigation into the murder of Ashley Babbitt. (A cursory pro forma “investigation” by our politicized DOJ was closed in April, 2021, with not so much as slap on the wrist for the officer involved, Michael Byrd). Although Ms. Babbitt was breaking through a door in the Capitol (which she had NO BUSINESS doing) the officer used LETHAL force on an unarmed woman where there was no reason to think that she was a danger to either the police or other protestors.

All of the issues enumerated above are very, very troubling, but have been completely ignored by the media, Democrats and DOJ. In the contemporary United States of Biden, Pelosi and Schumer, we appear to have abandoned one of our core values. What ever happened to “equal justice under the law?”

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1 Comment

  1. This post opens many eyes of what is going on. News only covers certain items. They do not report news. This post covers so much news, too bad it is not on the news or in the papers. Thank You. Bob . Can I share this?

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