The Biden Effect, Part Three: Pulling For Joe September 10, 2021/ Uncategorized

My last two posts took a brief look at the ongoing disaster that is the Biden Presidency. The breathtaking scope of this calamity has not escaped the notice of large swaths of Americans either. Some 150 retired generals, several senators and congressmen and numerous commentators have called for Biden’s immediate resignation and/or removal (via the 25th Amendment). Surprisingly, perhaps, I am NOT one of them. Dear readers, I am “pulling for Joe!”

In the face of Biden’s blatant incompetence, mismanagement of everything, including, but not limited to, the border crisis, immigration, the economy, Afghanistan and foreign affairs, the reader might understandably question how ON EARTH I can still support Biden’s Presidency. The answer, however, is simple.

The Biden presidency has bullet proof “protection,” perhaps the MOST bullet proof “protection” that any American President has EVER had: a line of succession that goes from bad to worse to terrible. Waiting in the wings for Biden’s departure is cackling Kamala Harris. Despite the fact that this woman has comported herself VERY poorly in office (her flippant and unconcerned response to any and all legitimate questions has been noticed by the electorate, who are NOT favorably impressed) and is now disliked by nearly EVERYONE (including some Democrats and even her personal staff), she would be Biden’s successor should he leave office for any reason (resignation, impeachment or via the 25th amendment). Now THAT’S protection!

And, there’s an even more terrifying thought to contemplate: if, for any reason, Harris was, herself, to vacate the Presidency, waiting in the her wings is the third in the line of succession: the Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi. Yes, THAT Nancy Pelosi. The stuttering, stammering, confused, demented, George Floyd kneeling, State of the Union transcript shredding fossil know as Nancy Pelosi. Now that’s EVEN BETTER protection.

And, after that dynamic duo, it still doesn’t get any better. After Pelosi there’s Senate President pro tempore Patrick Leahy, a Democrat OCTOGENARIAN that should have retired long ago (where does the Democrat Party GET these relics? Nursing Homes? Adult day care? Alzheimer’s wards?). And, after Leahy, believe it or not, it get’s EVEN WORSE: Secretary of State Anthony (“Our pull out from Afghanistan was meticulously planned” and “We’re going to do everything we can…”) Blinken. Now that’s TOTAL PROTECTION!

But back to Joe. In 2020, the Democrat Party KNEW how disabled Biden was mentally. In a jaded and reprehensible strategy, however, they figured (correctly, apparently) that they, with the help of the subservient media, could dupe the American public into ignoring the obvious and elect him anyway. They were aware, however, that he wouldn’t last too long in office, but, no matter: He was clearly meant to serve merely as a conduit for a Harris presidency – a presidency that, because of her extreme views and bizarre personality, she was unlikely to win on her own (recall that she was knocked out of the Democrat primaries very EARLY). And, with Biden now having served his purpose, it’s time for him to go. But, then, in another strategy of breathtaking gall, the Democrats now want us (Republicans and conservatives) to do their dirty work for them! They want US to remove Biden, kicking and screaming (and, perhaps, generating a modicum of sympathy along the way). To that I say: NO WAY, JOSE! You (Democrats) installed this fool to the highest office in the land, and if he continues to embarrass you, then, in my opinion, YOU’LL just have to remove him yourself. Buck up and get on with it, but please don’t expect help from us!

So, I predict that at SOME point in the next year or two, that the Democrat/liberal/leftist/progressive charlatans that put Biden in office will soon turn tables on hapless “Uncle Joe” and show him the door, one way or the other. Although leaving him in office would be to the further detriment of our nation, I believe that ultimately in life, one gets what one deserves. America made the colossal mistake of electing Biden (or so we’ve been told), and, must now suffer the consequences. I believe, however, that our nation is strong enough to weather what EVER nonsense that Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and Ocasio-Cortez throw at it in the short run, and in time will see through the smoke and mirrors and right the tottering ship of state. As a consequence, dear reader, I’m “pulling for Joe!”

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