The Biden Effect, Part Two: The Pictures September 9, 2021/ Uncategorized

What follows is a short photo essay on the ongoing saga of Joe Biden. The pictures speak for themselves:


The last photograph is, I think, the most chilling, more for what it doesn’t show than for what it shows. Of course, what it shows IS chilling enough; Afghanis cling to the OUTSIDE of a jet aircraft taking off and several subsequently falling to their deaths. What it DOESN’T show is even worse. The Afghanis know what fate and horrors await them from both ISIS and the Taliban. The obvious feeling among the Afghanis is that falling a thousand feet from a jet aircraft is far preferable to the torture, mutilation and beheading that will await them when the last US Military man is gone. At least falling from the sky will be quick. In a way, this is similar to the horrific pictures we saw on 9/11 of World Trade Center personnel jumping to the deaths from a thousand feet up because it was preferable to being burned alive by the kerosene fires ablaze in the building. Again, at least the fall from a thousand feet would be quick.

So, dear readers, I’ll close on that note. These images are to Joe Biden’s eternal shame, as well as to OUR eternal shame, fellow Americans for having elected him.

This essay will be followed, tomorrow, by Part Three, with, perhaps, a surprising conclusion.

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