Scourge Of Humanity August 17, 2021/ Uncategorized

It didn’t take long. Just a week or two. They didn’t even wait for us to fully leave. Three weeks ahead of our full departure date, the “Religion of Peace” has retaken Afghanistan. Just like that. Without US military might, the Afghan “Army” collapsed like a house of cards. Without the bravery of US fighting men at the ready, no one in the Afghan “Army” had the guts to stand up to a vile and murderous insurgency that knows no mercy and that claims to be inspired by God Himself. The Afghan people tremble at what they KNOW is in store for them. They KNOW what a lie the “Religion of Peace” sobriquet is. They KNOW. And they tremble.

It’s not that the decision to pull our troops out of that godforsaken country was wrong. It wasn’t. In fact President Trump had similar plans. We’ve been there too long already. We’ve spent too much “treasure” and spilled too much American blood. We could stay there another 20 years – or a hundred; but when, after any span of time, we pulled out, the same horror would await the Afghan people. As terrible as the coming Taliban theocracy will be, it can’t be avoided. We can’t save the Afghanis from their “religion.” We can’t do it. The Russians couldn’t do it. No one can. Until the Islamic clergy reforms the backward, bloodthirsty and violent tenants of their Sharia law and expunges the violent culture of its adherents, the societies that it dominates will, themselves, be backward, bloodthirsty and violent.

And, it’s not that the original decision by George W. Bush, in 2001, was wrong, either. After it became clear that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by Al Qaeda operatives trained and given safe haven by the Taliban in Afghanistan, retaliation was MANDATORY. Deep within the middle eastern mind set is the “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” code of the nomadic Bedouin. A lack of response on our part would clearly have bespoken weakness on our part, and countless more major attacks would have been the immediate result. We had to respond with massive retaliatory force – which we did. And, then, we had to keep them on the run – which we did. An “eye for an eye,” you see. The only mistake, if there was one, was to embark upon “nation building,” afterward. And, especially ludicrous was the idea that we could foster a DEMOCRACY. Even a casual student of Islam knows that democracy is incompatible with Sharia. The Islamic teaching is that Democracy is “haram” (forbidden) because it represents laws made by MEN, whereas, Sharia represents laws made by GOD. So, as long as political Islam and Sharia are the basis of a mid eastern society, no country, no matter how strong, will be able to help them in perpetuity.

No. Starting the war and, now, stopping it, were correct decisions. The present debacle is NOT a consequence of an erroneous decision to pull out. It IS the result, however, of the weak persona that Biden projects to the world, and especially, at how he is perceived by the Taliban. They know that Biden is, at heart, a weak and etiolated paper tiger. They know that even if Biden is embarrassed enough to authorize some type of response, that it will only be perfunctory in nature and limited in scope. In short, the Taliban knows that they will survive what ever sham of a response Biden manages to cough up. Had Donald Trump still inhabited the White House, they would, I’m sure, have “thought twice.” With Trump in the Oval Office, I’d wager that the Taliban would be many times more circumspect and judicious in its behavior. Too bad it’s no longer Mr. Trump’s watch.

But, for me, the most telling aspect of the fall of Afghanistan is that it puts the lie to the liberal/leftist/progressive narrative on Islam being a “Religion of Peace.” Unlike American pundits, the Afghanis KNOW the barbaric precepts of Sharia. They KNOW of the beating, the amputations, the beheadings and the female genital mutilation to come. Afghani women KNOW what will happen to their newfound freedoms and their recently elevated stature. Afghani Christians and Jews KNOW what persecution lies ahead. Afghani intellectuals KNOW what their gruesome fate may be. Political opponents KNOW that their heads may soon be sawed off their bodies.

When we see videos of Afghanis holding on to the OUTSIDE of US Air Force planes while they are TAKING OFF (many of which then fall to their deaths), we know that they are making a desperate attempt to flee the revanchist Taliban. All of us can see what the Afghanis know about the “Religion if Peace,” that the American media, the Democratic Party, American academia, and writers for the New York Times and Washington Post, in the safety of their cosseted and cloistered lives, don’t seem to be aware of: strict implementation of the Islamic principles of Sharia Law is nothing less than a scourge of humanity, and the so called “Religion of Peace” is no such thing. May God help the Afghan people. And may we LEARN from them.

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1 Comment

  1. Read your essay again. People are finding out the Religion of Peace is not that peaceful. The troops should not have been remover before the people. They should have stayed to protect the people and ALL the equipment removed…. We just supplied our enemy with much equipment to be used against us Now we are supplying our enemy …… bad bad bad

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