PREPOSTEROUS July 15, 2021/ Uncategorized

As a promotional theme, the New York Times likes to invite the public to read their publication and then “join the conversation.” But the “conversation,” if you want to call it that, has gotten so bizarre of late that “joining the conversation” is likely to challenge one’s sanity. Contemporary America’s “conversation” seems less like a true conversation and more like a journey to the “twilight zone.” It’s a “conversation” in which nothing makes sense. In which multifaceted arguments are used to make the PREPOSTEROUS seem true. Where bizarre behaviors are accepted as normal. Where statements that would have been considered laughable at any other time in history are claimed to be valid. Where analyses that should be simple are, instead, so convoluted that no one can tell any longer what is actually being concluded. Where day is night. Black is white. Good is bad. Heroes are villains. And villains are celebrated. In other words, PREPOSTEROUS. Examples?… Here are some:

America has elected a seventy eight year old pedophile with OBVIOUS signs of dementia, who often can’t finish a sentence, to the Presidency of the United States and the control of our nuclear arsenal! PREPOSTEROUS.

That liberal homosexuals are at pains to defend Islam, unaware, apparently, that full implementation of Islam’s sharia law requires their execution. PREPOSTEROUS.

That Arab Islamic countries require that women in public be completely covered in black tunics despite temperatures in the region often reaching 100 degrees. And, even more amazing, that liberal “women’s advocates” in America don’t seem to have a problem with this! PREPOSTEROUS.

That the United States Government (and multiple health agencies) have had to, literally, BEG Americans to get a vaccine that offers 97% percent protection from a disease that has already killed SIX HUNDRED AND SEVEN THOUSAND people in America and over FOUR MILLION people world wide. A vaccine with a complication rate determined, in December of 2020, to be only 21 cases for nearly 2 MILLION vaccinated, yielding a complication rate of only 0.00105%!!!!!! Not only have there been intense media campaigns to “motivate” those with “vaccine hesitancy” but there have been incentivizing programs with free lottery tickets, gift certificates and even, in New York (where else?), shots of whiskey (The “Shot For A Shot” program. I am NOT making this up!)!!!! PREPOSTEROUS. And there is a subset of morons who feel that refusing to get the vaccine is somehow patriotic. Even more PREPOSTEROUS.

Recent attempts by Democrats to blame Republicans, long pro police and advocates for law and order, for “defunding the police” and the unavoidably obvious rise in crime that has resulted. PREPOSTEROUS.

Recent claims by Democrats that Biden will “restore” relations with Israel, ignoring the fact that President Trump’s relocation of the American Embassy to Jerusalem was profoundly appreciated by the Israelis, and that there was a very cordial relationship between President Trump and former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as with the country as a whole. That is the relationship that they claim was somehow a problem in need of fixing. PREPOSTEROUS.

Never ending attempts by Democrats and liberals to characterize Islam as a “religion of peace” despite daily acts of terrorism, violence, bombings and murder in Africa, the Mid East, Asia and Indonesia, that are not only perpetrated by Islamists but justified and encouraged by Imams, Ayatollahs and Islamic religious leaders. PREPOSTEROUS.

Continued insistence by Biden and the Democrats that Iran is a good faith negotiator of nuclear nonproliferation despite its recent threats to enrich uranium to a weapons grade 90% and its refusal to allow inspections of their nuclear facilities without 2 weeks notice. PREPOSTEROUS.

Continued insistence by Biden and the Democrats that the theocratic dictators of Iran are legitimate statesmen and responsible members of the international community, despite their massive suppression of domestic protest and continued state sponsored refrains of “Death to America.” PREPOSTEROUS.

Reopening our country to massive immigration (60,000/year) from the Mid East with no plausible method of identifying Islamist/Jihadi infiltrators. PREPOSTEROUS.

Reopening our country to massive immigration from mid eastern cultures who’s customs and moral codes are alien to ours (child marriage, polygamy, oppression of women and honor killings, among many others) and ultimately incompatible with ours. PREPOSTEROUS.

Reopening our country to massive Muslim immigration despite the fact that many of these immigrants do not, and WILL NOT, pledge loyalty to our country, our flag, or our constitution, saying instead that their loyalty is ONLY to Allah and the Muslim Umma (transnational community of Muslims). PREPOSTEROUS.

Here’s a multiple choice question: A serial convicted violent felon, George Floyd, that once pointed a gun at the fetus of a pregnant woman he was robbing, who died of a massive fentanyl overdose he ingested while trying to hide evidence of drug dealing, has:

A) Been called a “gentle giant.”
B) Been beatified.
C) Made to be a hero.
D) Thanked by Speaker Pelosi for his “sacrifice.”
E) All if the above.

Ongoing attempts by certain members of government, the media and academia to advocate leftist causes despite the fact that Communism has failed EVERY TIME and EVERY PLACE it has been implemented, typically involved authoritarian dictatorship and massive human rights abuses, and was frequently plagued by squalor, famine and death. Advocating such? PREPOSTEROUS.

Support for the Democrat Party by Jewish liberals despite the pervasive undercurrent of antisemitism that runs through the party, exemplified by Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, Ocassio-Cortez, and others, and has never been unambiguously renounced by the remainder of the party. PREPOSTEROUS.

That BLM, Critical Race Theory activists and “progressive” Democrats have railed against America for it’s HISTORY of slavery, despite the fact that EVERY country that has ever existed, at one point in its history, has had slavery (the only possible exception may be Sri Lanka, and even that is debatable), and despite the fact that America was just the THIRD nation on earth to ban slavery in 1865 preceded only by England in 1833 and France in 1848. Failing to recognize America’s leadership in the movement to end slavery: PREPOSTEROUS.

And, lastly, that well meaning Americans, despite all of the above, continue to give one iota of credence to the American mainstream media that, arguably, is responsible for the majority of it. Beyond PREPOSTEROUS.

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1 Comment

  1. Everthing you said in the essay is true. The news media ABC NBC CNN CBS and the news papers are not news worthy. They do not tell the news. They avert your attention to something else. They tell stories to keep people divided . I hope the people wake up soon.
    Can I share this

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