It Didn’t Take Long May 21, 2021/ Uncategorized

Ladies and gentlemen, it didn’t take long. Joe Biden has been in the White House now for just four months and already our nation and our world are going berserk. And the pace of the developing craziness under Biden appears even more rapid than it was under Obama – and that’s saying something. (See: “Remembering Barack,” 5/17/21).

First, Palestine and Israel are back at each other’s throats once again. After four years of relative calm under President Trump, Hamas has suddenly resumed their bad habit of shooting rockets into civilian areas of Israel. Why now?… Well, I don’t think that the fact that the rockets are now flying and the fact that Biden is now in the White House are one big coincidence. Hamas not only expects no real recriminations from Washington, but they also expect pressure from Biden on Israel to temper its response, thereby limiting retaliatory damage. And, Hamas fully anticipates resumption of American funding, a large portion of which will, under Abbas, ultimately filter down to them. Time to “light up” Israel, it would seem…. Why?… Because they CAN.

Next, Iran is once again out of control. Not only are they enriching uranium up to 20%, they now feel at liberty to expand their long standing support for terrorism. On May 6th Biden released ONE BILLION dollars of Iranian funds that had been frozen in Iraq. Don’t believe me? The reader can read the article in Iran International News through the following link:

Or in articles in al-Arabiya or al-Jezeera. Hamas, Houthis, terrorist groups and assorted suicide bombers all will be the happy beneficiaries. And, just for fun, Iran recently seized a South Korean tanker in the Arabian Gulf, claiming, get this, that the tanker was violating environmental standards — a rich accusation from a nation that has planted mines in the Strait of Hormuz.

Next, China is becoming increasingly bellicose: doubling down on its repression of dissidents at home as well as in Hong Kong, expanding its military (already the largest armed force on earth), flying fighter jets over Taiwan, and (no longer embarrassed, apparently, by all that COVID-19 unpleasantness in Wuhan and all around the ENTIRE GLOBE) generally flexing its muscles for all to see. And, on top of all this, China has been cozying up to Iran, with HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF INVESTMENT YUANS flowing from China into Islamic Republic of Iran, even as they persecute Muslims back in China. Business is business, after all.

And, least we neglect the Pillsbury Dough Boy in North Korea, in March, Kim Jong-Un resumed his bad habit of launching missiles into the Sea of Japan. He then took to the airwaves to boast of increasing North Korean military capability, and warn Biden not to “meddle.” And, on April 21, he also reaffirmed his commitment to achieving North Korean nuclear military capability.

And, then there’s the ongoing disaster at our southern border. It’s all “hush hush” now because of willful neglect by our subservient media. Remarkably, neither Biden, nor even Harris, has yet to visit the border, or even fly over it. (Oh how they wish that pesky Republicans would stop bringing this up!) Not only are our border resources overwhelmed by hoards of migrants, some sporting “BIDEN: YOU PROMISED!” t-shirts, human trafficking and drug smuggling are once again on the rise, and will, inevitably, exact a grave humanitarian toll.

And, with Biden and the Democrats in full control, we can expect no surcease from “progressive” insanity on the home front, either. Lunatic “progressive” legislation in major cities, now provides criminals, with INSTANT release after arrest without so much as a twenty five dollar bond. One energetic thug in LA, Dijon Landrum, managed to get arrested and released three times in a single day. Another tenacious thug, New Yorker Charles Barry, managed to get arrested and released ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE TIMES. (“You can’t touch me!” he’s fond of saying each time he leaves a precinct station). Despite heavily “doctored” statistics offered by duplicitous mayors to a naive “hear no evil” media and gullible populace, one has merely to turn on a radio each day for a week or two to know for certain that crime has skyrocketed across our land and especially in its cities. Reports of murder and mayhem have become so common that they no longer even shock us and many Americans no longer even take notice of them. Slashings and hate crimes are daily occurrences, despite well meaning but absolutely pointless protests against them. Protests SHOULD be aimed at lax laws that don’t keep criminals behind bars where they belong, that no longer support “broken windows” policing (wherein incarnating perpetrators of lesser crimes also had the AMAZING side effect of decreasing MAJOR crimes), that no longer support “stop and frisk” policing (that would routinely yield an amazingly high rate of weapons confiscation), and that no longer support “tight” borders and “tight” immigration policy that keep out criminal migrants (that individually or in gangs are responsible for a sizable chunk of crimes committed). That’s what the protestors SHOULD be protesting.

And, to see how far crazy legislation can go, readers should be aware that states like California and Oregon have essentially DECRIMINALIZED SHOPLIFTING, allowing shoplifters to sue an establishment that is so bold as to apprehend them. Don’t believe me? Read the article yourself in the Wall Street Journal through the following link:

And, puzzling and amazing “progressives” everywhere, the consequences of the shoplifting decriminalization has been the closure of inner city stores, making ordinary staples unavailable to communities of color. Imagine that!

And, with Biden and the Democrats in control, what can we expect going forward? Nothing good, I’m afraid. Don’t expect ANY attempt to address the plethora of problems delineated above. Expect, instead, re-emergence of assorted “progressive” legislation forcing women to tolerate trans men in their rest rooms, forcing young women athletes to compete against trans men who “identify” as women. Expect, also, continued anti American indoctrination in our schools. Expect worsening racial tensions as false claims of “systemic racism,” victimhood and discrimination, together with the inevitable tragic criminal/police encounters, “stir the pot.” And, expect worsening disparity between the rich and poor, as increased taxation slows the economy and salaries flatten and drop and minority hiring dries up.

Yes, all this and more are in store for the newly “woke” United States of America. As I said: “It didn’t take long.”

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