The Horror September 11, 2020/ Uncategorized

Just as there are people who deny the reality of the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide and the contemporary genocide of Christian minorities in the Muslim majority nations of Africa, I would not be surprised if, in the future, revisionists will try to change the “narrative” of September 11th, 2001.

There have ALREADY been attempts to do so. Several high profile deceivers have tried to shift blame away from the Muslim terrorists that perpetrated the attack. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar disgustingly stated that on 9/11 “some people… did some things.” The attacks have variously been blamed on Israel (of course), George Bush (supposedly to garner support for a desired Gulf war), Exxon/Mobil (to allow the plunder of Gulf oil) and everyone but Mother Teresa.

Aside from shifting the blame, there will likely be efforts to minimize the horror of what went on. But, just as the horrific photos of German concentration camp survivors put the lie to Holocaust revisionism, photos of the horror of 9/11, will do so for September eleventh.

If anyone DARES to suggest the 9/11 narratives were exaggerated, we must show them, again and again, the pictures. For me, the most terrifying and compelling pictures are those of victims that voluntarily jumped one thousand feet to their certain death to keep from BEING BURNED ALIVE. I’ve stood on the World Trade Tower observation decks myself and have looked down to the ground so far below. The thought of the pain and horror that would force someone to step into the air and jump to their death, even to this day, takes my breath away.

The horror of those attacks lives on in these pictures. WE MUST NEVER FORGET. AND WE MUST NOT LET ANYONE ELSE FORGET EITHER.

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