Shocking Dishonesty (One Simple Point) September 9, 2020/ Uncategorized

By now, most open minded Americans are aware of the partisan bias that pervades much of American media in both print and video. “Nothing new” about that, I’m afraid. But sometimes the unmitigated gall of the biased reporting boggles the mind. Below I present, for your consideration, the front cover of a magazine that claims to present a cross section of news reporting “curated” from numerous primary sources. The weekly magazine is titled, a bit unimaginatively, “The Week.” The cover illustration shown below “graced” the Sept 11, 2020 edition. It has to be seen to be believed.

Before showing the actual cover page, I should point out that September 5th marked the ONE HUNDREDTH DAY of “protests.” The participants invariably include leftist agitators, many from localities outside the area of protests. While some of the demonstrators are nonviolent idealists, large cadres of violent thugs are, invariably present. Weapons include stones, bricks, fireworks, “Molotov cocktails” and other incendiary devices. Arson, destruction of property and looting are de rigueur. Serious injury to police officers is common. There have been over a dozen murders.

Almost ALL of the mayhem has been perpetrated on the American Public by leftists, anarchists, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. On August 30th, a motorized counter demonstration caravan took place in Portland, Oregon, by, what the media label, over and over again, as a “far right,” “radical right”, “extremist right,” group. The name of this “radical and extremist” group: PATRIOT PRAYER. Yep, that’s correct, this incendiary cabal is: “PATRIOT PRAYER.” And, sadly, during their counter demonstration, there WAS violence, a fatality – one of their OWN, unfortunately. Yes, a Patriot Prayer member, Aaron Danielson, was murdered in cold blood by Michael Reinoehl, a self described proponent of Antifa, who was killed days later when he drew a gun on arresting officers. In an amazing video interview, Reinoehl tried to claim he shot Danielson in self defense, but video of the shooting showed that Reinoehl FOLLOWED BEHIND Danielson, and, though Danielson had a gun, IT WAS HOLSTERED. Reinoehl did say that his shot “felt like the beginning of a civil war.”.

So after ONE HUNDRED NIGHTS of LEFT WING violence, crime and bloodshed and ONE night of peaceful conservative counterprotest in which a participant was murdered, the Week Magazine published a front cover featuring… you guessed it!… RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS!  “PLAYING” AT CIVIL WAR!” And, of course, there’s a “TRUMP 2020” banner on display, in case you didn’t “get it.”

Now, in light of everything that’s been going on over the last 100 days, I have one simple point to make:

Ladies and gentlemen, is this magazine cover not the most dishonest, disingenuous and disgraceful piece of “journalism” EVER?… I thought so.

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