Not On Our Watch! September 2, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer Little Sister/LRM

Time is running out! Astronomers have detected an asteroid headed toward Earth! It is predicted to have a 0.4% chance of striking the earth on Monday, November 2nd, the day BEFORE Election Day. But, unless it actually hits, we will all have a crucial decision to make on Tuesday. On November 3rd, all Americans will have the privilege (and duty) of picking our President for the next four years. And, while it’s true that during just about every presidential campaign, candidates exclaim that: “This is the most important election in American history.” Often, of course, this is hyperbole, but this year it could well be true.

This is a pivotal time for our nation, perhaps as significant as when President Abraham Lincoln had to decide whether to let the South secede or whether he should fight to preserve the Union. Facing us now are two diametrically opposed visions of the United States. These visions are as disparate as those that existed between the Union and Confederacy leading up to the Civil War.

Your choices are this : A vote for Joe Biden and the Democratic slate is a vote for the road to socialism, and a particularly vituperative and ugly version at that. Don’t be fooled. Mr. Biden is controlled by the leftist elements in his party. He’s just a figurehead. His original pretense, that he’s a “middle of the road” candidate is just that, a pretense. Actions, as they say, speak louder than words. So if you want to get a sense for what America would look like under a Democrat regime, just take a gander at the Democratic run cities of Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and Minneapolis. Night after night of rioting, burning and looting is but a preview of coming attractions. Is this what you want your city, your town, your suburban neighborhood to look like. Do you REALLY want to defund the police? In times of need, do you really want to call 911 and get a busy signal? Do you want to be threatened and intimidated by the thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, two groups that are Marxist to the core and whose only goal is the destruction of our country’s values and its history? How many more statues do you want to see pulled down? What do you want your children taught in school? Do you want them to learn that their country is the most evil in the world? That its history is not one of striving for betterment, but one of incessant inequity and depravity.

A vote for Biden will mean an increase in the anarchy and chaos that the Democrats have proved unable to control. Do you want to be afraid to walk in your own neighborhood? Witness how those who attended President Trump’s acceptance speech were harassed, intimidated and attacked as they walked back to their cars and hotels in Washington DC. The Democrats may claim that such talk is “fear mongering” but, as a short time with the internet or any responsible news source will show, it is a sad REALITY. And a vote for Joe will mean higher taxes, decreased economic growth as seen during the Obama years, with bright and promising kids living in their parents’ basement because they can’t get a “living wage” job.

So, what are we to do? The answer is clear: Reelect President Donald J. Trump. But, wait, you have reservations, you say. You don’t like his style and tweets. NEITHER DO WE! But, fellow citizens, ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. In only three years he was able to overcome the lethargy of the Obama/Biden administration and kick the economy into high gear. Real wages finally began to climb and people in the bottom quintile gained the most. And President Trump accomplished this while being relentlessly attacked by the media, investigated, impeached and undermined by Democrat politicians at every turn. In fact if the pandemic hadn’t occurred when it did we would have been undoubtably treated to another round of hearings presided over by the village idiots, Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler. In three years of a Democrat controlled House of Representatives, investigation, obfuscation, and impeachment is ALL they could manage. Creative legislation on DACA, immigration reform, border security, and health care was totally neglected by these “Do Nothings.”

So, if the asteroid misses us and you DO go to the polls on November third, make your vote mean something. VOTE for Trump to keep America great. VOTE for Trump to keep your city safe. VOTE for Trump to keep keep criminals in jail. VOTE for Trump to arrest the thugs who threaten our way of life. VOTE for Trump to reduce the violence that plagued our cities. VOTE for Trump to teach our kids their history and not some anti American screed. VOTE for Trump to safeguard free speech, dialog and diversity instead of some “politically correct” propaganda. VOTE for Trump to promote sustained economic prosperity so our children can attain a better life and the disadvantaged can become self sufficient. VOTE for Trump to send a message to the leftists and Hollywood elites that WE will not be silenced.

Fellow citizens, we will not allow the Democrats, leftists and anarchists to destroy the country we love so much. Not on our watch.

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