The Blooming Apocalypse: A Clockwork Orange Come True July 29, 2020/ Uncategorized

In 1971, Stanley Kubrick’s film “A Clockwork Orange” both fascinated and horrified audiences. It painted a dystopian picture of what England (and western civilization) might look like in the not too distant future. The movie’s theme involved sociopathic violence, but it also sought to portray a society in the process of dissolution. Everywhere were scenes of urban decay. Inhabiting tumbledown

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A SUMMER OF LOVE BECOMES A SEASON OF HATE July 26, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written by guest writer LRM (who will henceforth be referred to, at her request, as “Little Sister”). “Maybe we’ll have a summer of love” intoned the mayor of Seattle in June after a section of her city was occupied by a group of protesters who turned it into the CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone), later termed CHOP (Capital Hill Occupied

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Name Change July 25, 2020/ Uncategorized

Perceptive writers from William Shakespeare to George Orwell to radical leftist Saul Alinsky have all recognized the power of names. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo laments to his paramour (with, unfortunately, the wrong family name): “‘tis but thy NAME that is my enemy!” In Orwell’s classic dystopian novel, 1984, names are deemed so important that the reverse meaning of

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The Patriotic Mask July 24, 2020/ Uncategorized

The “sturm und drang” of daily politics across our culturally and politically diverse nation is known to sometimes produce bizarre effects. None of these weird effects are quite as idiotic, however, as the politicization of wearing a face mask for COVID prophylaxis. Somehow, refusing to wear a mask has become a shibboleth to libertarians throughout the land. Now it IS

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A Bonfire Of Demagoguery July 9, 2020/ Uncategorized

A demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument. While demagoguery has likely been present since the dawn of civilization, and while emotions DO play a valid role in the political process, it would appear that, in today’s America, it has reached epidemic levels.

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One Simple Point: Can Anyone Imagine? July 4, 2020/ Uncategorized

Not long ago a reader (thanks PR) sent me a video of a portion of a television variety show hosted by western movie star, John Wayne. It was recorded in 1970 and featured the participation of just about every star from Hollywood and the music and entertainment realms. Please watch the video before reading further. It can be accessed via

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Black Lives DO Matter July 1, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM. No one can dispute the slogan “Black Lives Matter.” It is becoming apparent, however, that not all black lives matter equally, at least in the eyes of today’s radical left insurgents, sycophantic media, and, with great irony, the group that calls itself “Black Lives Matter.” It would seem that the only lives that

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