The Inmates Are Running The Asylum June 23, 2020/ Uncategorized

The lunatic fringe has the ear, seemingly, of America’s leaders. Democratic politicians (and even a few very confused Republicans), the majority of our media, the overwhelming majority of our educators, and significant proportions of the captains of industry, are marching to the tune of leftist, “progressive”, liberal “activists.” Not only have these malcontents found a sympathetic audience, they are now dictating the agenda. Their demands, in any other time of history, would be considered laughable, but, ladies and gentlemen, our society appears to be taking them seriously. Let’s take a look at what they’ve been up to.

First, they are hell bent on crippling our criminal justice system. On the pretext of reducing inmate exposure to corona virus, for example, they have demanded, and largely succeeded, in getting many criminals released prematurely from detention. They SAY that only “non violent offenders” were released. The trouble is, however, many of the so called “non violent” convicts are NOT, in fact, “non violent.” Many of them are the beneficiaries of plea bargained convictions on lesser and nonviolent counts that were negotiated by horrendously overloaded prosecutors who needed desperately to clear their dockets.

Next, on the pretext of advancing “social justice” they are trying to empty our prisons entirely. They cite statistics that show blacks make up 35% of all prisoners despite being only 13% of the US population. They use these numbers to impugn our criminal justice system by claiming that blacks are over represented BECAUSE of the system, rather than the fact that they commit more crime. Their argument relies on the never proven premise that crime rates are, a priori, equal across all ethnic groups. To achieve their goal, activists have advocated reduced sentencing and even eliminating punitive deterrents by closing a number of notorious (and, accordingly, feared) prisons such as Riker’s Island (which will be closed completely by 2024).

Next, their policies essentially REVERSE the work of our police. In New York City, for example, bail is no longer required for the accused to be released. Criminals arrested in NYC are now released from the station house just as soon as their paperwork is complete. This preposterous initiative has resulted in a number of cases where a single individual has been arrested multiple times ON THE SAME DAY.

Next, they are now advocating decriminalizing resisting arrest! The danger that resisting arrest posses for arresting officers (as well as the perpetrator himself) is completely ignored. These activists must have very short memories, however, as they seem to have forgotten how well this worked out for George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks, just a few weeks ago.

Away from the realm of criminal justice, they are up to no good on other fronts as well. Items on their destructive agenda include, but are not limited to:

Decreased involuntary psychiatric hospitalization of dangerous individuals (paranoid schizophrenics, sociopaths, and others).

Increasing the implementation of mail-in ballots that could increase the possibility of voter fraud.

Increasing the prevalence of “sanctuary cities” in which illegal aliens, even violent ones, can hide.

Making our borders increasingly porous allowing the entrance of God only knows who into our country with no vetting or scrutiny.

Increasing the acceptance of toxic immigrants from violent cultures especially from the Mideast.

Curtailing the constitutional right of gun possession, for, among other things, self defense and defense of one’s family. This would seem to be especially wrong headed in an era in which police forces are being defunded or abolished.

Increasing tolerance of criminal and destructive “protests.”

Elimination of scholastic testing.

Promoting, with all due irony lost on them, PRO SEGREGATION measures, such as BLACK ONLY DORMS AND BLACK ONLY CLUBS ON CAMPUS.

And, like all good leftists, they advocate “progressive” (read oppressive) taxation, blissfully unaware of the fact that socialist economics has failed to produce prosperity EVERYWHERE it’s been tried, and WHENEVER it’s been tried.

Remarkably, ALL of this agenda runs directly counter to the very principles that HAVE MADE AMERICA THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. And, much of this agenda is SO crazy that, at any other time in history, it would have been considered lunatic. But, ladies and gentlemen, the lunatics appear to be running the asylum. Is THIS what we want for America?

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