When Will America Stop Listening?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ March 1, 2020/ Uncategorized

Another day, another accusation. Yesterday it was “news suppression.” Several news sources, including CBS and CNN ran stories that accused President Trump of keeping corona virus news from the populace. These sources reported that Mr. Trump had “muzzled” Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Fauci had been scheduled to speak on the corona virus threat yesterday but cancelled that speech after speaking with Vice President Pence. The press immediately assumed that Mr. Trump had prevented Dr. Fauci from telling the “truth” about the virus. Why did they say that Mr. Trump would do this? Because fear of the virus would be bad for one of the President’s signature achievements, resurrecting America’s economy. One commentator went so far as to exclaim that “Not only do we have a President who fails to tell the truth, we have one who won’t let others tell the truth either!” At today’s press conference, one indignant reporter asked Mr. Trump how he “would dare to “muzzle” such a respected scientist as Dr. Fauci? This narrative, like countless other media fables of late, was completely wrong headed. Mr. Trump, wisely, let Dr. Fauci answer the reporter’s question directly. The Doctor quickly responded that he had not been “muzzled” by Mr. Trump, nor had he ever been. He postponed the speech for a day so that he would have time to meet with Vice President Pence and President Trump in order to present a coordinated and seamless picture of the situation to the American people. Reporters using a unsubstantiated and false narrative to mislead the American people? Imagine that.

The day before yesterday, the accusation was that President Trump was holding back testing for the virus because “he” wasn’t letting New York State do the official laboratory testing for the disease. News clips of Governor Cuomo railing against this restriction as another example of Mr. Trump’s mendacity. Not mentioned, however, was that it wasn’t Mr. Trump that had restricted the laboratory testing, but was a ruling directly from the Center For Disease Control (CDC), and that the reason that the ruling had been made was that there had been problems with the reagent used in the testing done by non authorized labs resulting in unreliable results. And, after New York’s laboratory had sufficiently validated their testing method to the CDC, they were, subsequently, AUTHORIZED to test. Falsely claiming that Mr. Trump was “holding back” the effort to deal with corona virus? Imagine that.

A couple of days before that, the accusation was that Mr. Trump wasn’t “doing enough” to battle the virus. Senator Schumer and other’s decried the Trump administration’s woeful unpreparedness in fighting the disease. This accusation was made despite the fact that Mr. Trump had just authorized 2.5 BILLION dollars in funds to be appropriated for the project and the number of cases in our country at that time was just over a dozen. And, as an aside, it is the Democrats who are doing all they can to keep the corona virus fears GOING STRONG. How so? Well, a number of Democrats have introduced legislation that, if passed, would limit pharmaceutical profits on any corona vaccine that they might develop! Just when you want to maximally incentivize the development of the only true defense against the disease, those sly Democrats are undermining that effort. So, with the Democrats doing everything they can to keep the corona virus crisis going, they dare to accuse President Trump of doing exactly that? Imagine that.

And, not only do the Democrats and media hurl accusations at President Trump, they apparently like to accuse OTHER Presidents as well.

A week or so ago, President Trump, made a diplomatic visit to India at the request of its Prime Minister Narenda Modi. Mr. Trump was warmly received there and enjoyed an arena rally attended by a crowd of ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND Indian Trump supporters. Mr. Modi spoke often of his admiration for Mr. Trump and his pride in having arranged numerous trade and defense initiatives with our President and with America. None of this played into the abjectly false US media narrative that Mr. Trump is reviled by all the world’s countries and people. So what was the media’s response? They, get this, ACCUSED PRIME MINISTER MODI of, verbatim, “trying to interfere in a US election!” Haranguing a distinguished foreign leader to perpetuate a patently false and self serving media narrative? Imagine that.

And, accusations against Presidents have not been limited to Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi. An old familiar boogeyman, President Vladimir Putin, was dusted off, and brought out of the shadows again. There were reports of “leaks” from the “intelligence community” that claimed Russia (here we go again!) was trying to “interfere” in the 2020! Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grinnell, had to hold a press conference in which he stated that he has seen “no intelligence to support that assertion.” Purveying false rumors as “intelligence” for duplicitous and malicious purposes? Imagine that.

Again and again, the American people are barraged with false accusations and narratives supplied by increasingly desperate Democrats and news casters that feed them a steady diet of claims, rumors, assertions and innuendo that are, plain and simple, false. The prevaricators in the Democratic Party and their media sycophants are hoping that if they repeat a lie often enough that eventually it will become true. So they prattle on and on. The question is, when will America stop listening? Many have done so already.

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  1. Hi Dr. Mastroianni Please help me I feel as if I am no longer on your list Tell me I am wrong If I am not on the list what must I do to get back on…. If I did something wrong it was not on purpose if I did let me know so it will not happen again thank you Bob

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