Mandatory Halal Comes To The United States October 12, 2019/ Uncategorized

Last week PUBLIC SCHOOLS in Dearborn, Michigan, began serving halal food in their cafeterias. ONLY halal food. This move was done, the chancellor explained, to avoid “offending” Muslim students. Funny, though, I’ve never heard of a public school ANYWHERE in America serving only kosher food in order to avoid offending Jewish students. Or not serving ANY beef in order to avoid offending Hindus. Or not serving meat of ANY kind in order to avoid offending Jains. And even if we recognize that Dearborn has a large Muslim population, it must be remembered that the schools involved are PUBLIC SCHOOLS that educate non Muslims as well as Muslims, and, are paid for with taxes from both Muslims and non Muslims. Aside from the very bad precedent that this policy sets, vis-a-vie bowing down to the ever escalating demands of aggrieved Muslims, there are other, non religious grounds to oppose the promulgation of halal food. Those grounds are, quite simply, humanitarian. Even though I have written previously on this subject (What’s In That Gyro?, 12/8/17), I feel that it’s worth revisiting because the majority of Americans remain unaware of the cruel and inhumane nature of this practice.

Most Americans think that the Halal designation involves only quality standards; something like the label “US Grade A” and other designations. While there are quality metrics that do apply to Halal food, there is MUCH more to it. In essence, Halal slaughter is considered to be RITUAL slaughter and must be carried out in rigorously prescribed ways. The slaughterer must face Mecca and must recite a prayer. Nothing wrong so far. But then the brutality begins. The slaughter must be done with the animal AWAKE and conscious. The result is amazingly horrific. It’s SO horrible, in fact, that many Americans may find it impossible to BELIEVE that it actually takes place. With this in mind, I’ve collected a number of videos so that readers can see for themselves.

First is a short video of a young Muslim woman presenting a common but misleading picture of what’s involved:

Next are videos of what ACTUALLY does go on:

QUITE horrific, wouldn’t you agree?

Next is a video of a more “modern” method of Halal slaughter, the so called “pneumatic method”:

STILL horrific, is it not?

Last is a Muslim scholar explaining why the animal CAN NOT BE SHOT prior to the slaughter. This is crucial, because shooting the animal PRIOR to decapitation would, of course, eliminate the animal’s suffering.

It should be quite clear that, according to standard Islamic Halal practices, there is no room for humane slaughter what-so-ever.

Now, I realize that the graphic images captured in these videos are shocking, but my intent is not sensationalism. It is my hope that, if enough people recognize the brutality of Halal slaughter, even so the called “modern” Halal slaughter, they will, as consumers, shun Halal food, and, as policy makers and voters, legislate to ban Halal slaughter. If we don’t intervene, these inhumane practices will continue and these poor animals will have no one to protect them.

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1 Comment

  1. Could not watch so inhuman

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