Explaining A Mystery

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ March 11, 2019/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, ever since June 26, 2018, I have been puzzling over something very curious. And my puzzlement has only increased with the passage of time. Something wasn’t right. Something didn’t jive.

What I’m referring to is the outcome of the 2018 New York State Democratic Primary. In that contest, a here-to-for completely unknown individual materialized out of the “political vapor” to best longtime incumbent Joe Crowley for the 2018 Democratic Congressional Seat from New York’s 14th Congressional District (the Bronx, NYC). Crowley had served in the House of Representatives for 20 years and was, in fact, the 4th ranking Democrat in the House. Now, the fact that she, once nominated, went on to win the general election, is in no way surprising, as a well trained chimpanzee could win the Bronx District, provided, of course, that he or she was a Democrat chimpanzee. But what IS puzzling was that she was able to capture the primary from a well regarded senior representative who had his party’s backing. Clearly, no mean feat.

So I was curious about this surprising newcomer. Accordingly, I made a point to watch a number of her videos and interviews. At first it seemed that pretty looks, a history of educational success, and, even more importantly, personal charisma were the explanations. Enthusiasm and personal magnetism certainly go a long way toward the name recognition which is the cornerstone of political success. And, for a while it seemed that this was a sufficient explanation.

But, as time went on, and I had the opportunity to watch more of her interviews, I became aware of something else that made Ocasio-Cortez’s rise more and more incomprehensible. Put simply, she’s clueless. Quite clueless, in fact. And by “clueless” I simply mean “lacking in common sense”. When EVER this woman is recorded off script, it is painfully evident that she hasn’t the foggiest notion of any of the rationals behind her so called “policy positions”. Furthermore, it appears that she is bereft of an even cursory knowledge of current affairs, world history and even American history. In fact, she often appears bereft of logic itself.

YouTube has COUNTLESS clips of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez demonstrating the above assessment. Interested readers can, for example, watch her explain that the “reason unemployment is low is that everybody has two jobs.” Yes, that’s exactly what she said!:

Or one can watch her babble on about the “Occupation of Palestine” for a couple of painful minutes, before admitting that “I’m not an expert of geopolitics!” I’ll say!:

Or one can watch the amazing interview by Jake Tapper on CNN (no less) where, midway through, when asked how she would propose to pay for the 40 trillion dollars that her programs were estimated to cost, she bumbles her answer so badly it’s cringe worthy. Finally, Tapper, who is normally quite sympathetic to the “progressive” agenda, says, in frustration, “I’m assuming I’m not going to get answer for the other 38 trillion dollars.”:

And, because Ocasio-Cortez is SO talkative, the interested reader can, in a just a few minutes on YouTube, find many many more examples. So, the assessment is painfully clear: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is clueless. Unselfconsciously clueless. Proudly clueless.

So, how on earth did this logically challenged waif go on to defeat the fourth ranking Democratic representative? It seemed so improbable that even good looks and charisma couldn’t fully explain it. So, I puzzled over this for quite some time. Recently, however, a reader (thanks PB) sent me a video that presented an explanation. A surprising but cogent explanation. The video was prepared by a political blogger that goes by “Mr Reagan” (I presume that Ronald Reagan is his alter ego).

It seems, that Ocasio-Cortez is essentially a mouthpiece for a number of very clever leftist operatives that belong to a political action group that calls itself “Justice Democrats”. There is evidence (much of it provided by interviews with the group itself!) that this group recruited her, auditioned her, scripted her, promoted her and continues to script her to this very day. The Ocasio-Cortez mystery suddenly starts to make sense. But, rather than recapitulate the entire exposition, I would recommend that that the reader view the video itself. I think you’ll find it illuminating to say the least:

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for all this information…I never knew anything like this could happen …was very angry when first read it thank you … could I pass this on many more people would appreciate this information thank you Bob

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