Walk Away Part Three

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 2, 2018/ Uncategorized

The WalkAway campaign has gone viral. Hundreds of thousands of people have signed on to it and millions have watched their video. The campaign is clearly a manifestation of the disappointment and even anger that millions of Americans have come to feel toward the contemporary Democratic Party, liberals and leftists. They are walking away from the anti Americanism, the hatred, the violence and the intimidation by the “resistance”. But, who are these “Walk Aways”?

The first one I’ll talk about is ME. I must admit, however, that my “walk away” was decades ago. None-the-less, I do have strong liberal credentials: In 1972, in the first election in which I was qualified to vote, I voted (along with, apparently, only 3 other people!) for George McGovern, the Bernie Sanders of the day. Despite my vote, Richard Nixon carried the day and was elected to a second term. Following Nixon’s election I followed politics closely. As time went on I came to realize what a great President he was. After he resigned and Gerald Ford ran against Carter, I voted, tentatively, for a Republican for the first time. Over the next decade I became increasingly disappointed in the Democratic Party, and especially the disastrous Presidency of Jimmy Carter. Accordingly, when Reagan ran, I voted for him. When he won, I saw our country thrive, and I became staunchly Republican. I walked away, and I have never looked back.

But “enough about me”! The walkawaycampaign.com website features video testimonials from thousands of individuals who have walked away from the Democratic Party and from contemporary liberalism. Many of the testimonials have been posted by political conservatives, which, of course, is what you’d expect. But there were many surprises.

The testimonials that were the most surprising, to me, were from individuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transvestite communities (LGBT). Because LGBT life styles have been promoted by liberal Democrats for so long, I would have expected that such individuals would be reluctant to leave. None-the-less, many of them did. In fact, the FOUNDER of the Walk Away campaign, Brandon Straka, is gay, as are MANY walkaways. I was particularly touched by the testimonials of some of the more blatant LGBTers: transvestites, drag queens and obvious gay and lesbian individuals. Although many reasons for walking away were given by this group, one very common theme was revulsion at all the hatred coming, of late, from the Democratic Party. Perhaps because many of these LGBT individuals had been the target of hate in the past, they remain very sensitive and firmly opposed to hatred of any kind. I must admit that this revelation was a learning experience for me. Because the life histories and life styles of the LGBT community are so obviously different from mine, I had always assumed that, personally, they had to be WAY different from me. Watching their testimonials, I came to realize that this just wasn’t so. Their desire for fairness, peace, social harmony, and a just and caring society was EXACTLY like mine. Despite their alternative life styles, I realized that, underneath it all, we had more things in common than we had differences. And, I realized, that we wanted the same things for America. And we walked away.

Another group of walkawayers that surprised me, were blacks. Despite the fact that the Republican Party was the ORIGINAL advocate for blacks in America (a little known fact: the Republican Party was FORMED to oppose slavery) American blacks have overwhelmingly voted for Democrats. None-the-less, many of the WalkAways were black. Many rejected what they call the “plantation system”. They recognized that many of the Democratic programs actually promote black dependency on the government, and, as a consequence, many are walking away. And, unlike yesteryear, there are many prominent black activists that are speaking out. Pastor Mark Burns, Miss America candidate Joy Avila (who stirred up controversy, when she wore a Make America Great Again gown to the pageant), political advocate Candace Owens, and others. In fact, the WalkAway movement among blacks has become so prominent that it has gotten its own acronym: BLEXIT!

Anyway, long standing conservatives are being joined by liberals, LGBTers, and blacks and by all who are disgusted by what liberalism and the Democratic Party have become. You can join them too. Just walk away.

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  1. The Walk Away march in Washington DC was totally ignored by so called main stream media, which makes you wonder what else they fail to report. But since I was there I know that it numbered in the thousands. It was also a picture of amazing diversity, of people from all walks of life, all being nice to one another. This group was the picture of identity politics but they were ignoring those label to focus on their common ground- the belief in the United States, freedom of speech and the power of love, not hate.

  2. Dr. Mastroianni Thank you for the information about the march……..We were away for a long week end to a different state and seen nothing about the March . I though we just missed it on the news Thank you. Bob

    1. Leftist media strategy: disparage and ignore!
      Thanks, Bob.

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