Independence Day July 3, 2018/ Uncategorized

Food for thought on this Independence Day:

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
– Benjamin Franklin

It is for this very reason that a guarantee of free speech is written into the First Amendment to our Constitution. The reason that the right to free speech is included up front is, simply, that free speech is the foundation upon which all free societies are built.

So, in defiance of Antifa, leftists, many college students and many Democrats (who label any opinion that they do not agree with as “hate speech” and then try to silence such speech and even criminalize the speaker), let us honor the spirit of Independence Day by INSISTING that freedom of speech (and freedom of ideas) remains the bedrock of our great nation.

Have a wonderful Independence Day!

And, God bless America!

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  1. Thank you Dr Mastroianni…………..Wish you and your wife a very happy Independence Day.. GOD BLESS YOU and YOUR WIFE…

    1. Thanks Bob.I hope you had a wonderful 4th too!

  2. And a day of freedom on this Independence to you. God Bless you AND America! And thank you for your words. You ROCK!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Diane. I hope you had a wonderful 4th too!

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