In Search Of A Crime April 15, 2018/ Uncategorized

There’s a chilling quote that dates back to the first half of the twentieth century by a member of Russian Secretary General Josef Stalin’s inner circle that that bears consideration even today, some seven decades later. The quote was made by Soviet Marshal Lavrentiy Beria, who, in addition to being a Stalin confidant, functioned as Director Of Security and also as head of the secret police. When Stalin and Beria were discussing plans for the arrest and execution of scores of dissidents, Stalin reportedly asked Beria what charges would be used. Beria replied quickly: “Show me the man, and I’ll find the crime.” The implication is, of course, that EVERYONE could be considered guilty of SOMETHING. In post revolutionary Russia, it could be a dissident, a deviant or it could be anyone deemed “unworthy”. In today’s America, it could be you or it could be me. It could be ANYONE. Chilling, isn’t it? (In a great example of karma, however, after Stalin died, Comrade Beria fell out of favor and was executed with a bullet to the forehead for a number of charges, not all of which were true).

But it’s a “relic of the past” you say? and “Surely we’ve moved beyond such an unjust and draconian sentiment, haven’t we?” Well, no, unfortunately, we HAVEN’T. Not really. Shockingly, in 2018 America, the spirit of Beria’s statement is alive and well. We can hear his voice echo through our televisions and radios. We can see his words in our newspapers and magazines.

We can watch a modern reenactment of Beria’s modus operandi in the tactics of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his desperate “Russian Collusion” investigation. Though it’s unlikely that the targets of Mueller’s “investigation” will be executed, they could face jail time, and many will have their lives ruined. Like Diogenes with his lantern wandering through ancient Greece looking for an honest man, Mueller, with a crack team of partisan investigators as his “lantern”, is, in essence, an investigator wandering through the private lives of American citizens LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

And, not only is he looking for a crime, I think it’s fair to say that he’s looking for it DESPERATELY. Though the raison d’etre for the existence of this investigation was to determine if candidate Trump colluded with the Russian government to influence the 2016 Presidential election, Mueller appears to have lost sight of his mandate. Having found no evidence of Mr. Trump’s “collusion” he began attacking Mr. Trump’s advisors and allies with fabricated charges of false testimony, tax evasion, etc. Most recently, he’s focused on Mr. Trump’s PERSONAL attorney and friend, Michael Cohen, and has become fixated on whether Mr. Cohen’s attempt to craft a non disclosure agreement with an aging porn star represents an unreported “campaign contribution”.

Now, for some straight talk: Mr. Mueller, we don’t give a HOOT about Mr. Cohen’s attempt to shield his client and friend from negative publicity during the tense 2016 election cycle. We don’t give a HOLLER about what Mr. Trump and Ms. Clifford did or did not do in private a decade ago. NONE of these things are more important than President Trump’s crusade to repair our nation. And NONE of these investigations were part of your mandate. It is true that the wording of your directive does have some ambiguous language regarding “any matter that may arise from the investigation”, it BEHOOVES you to adhere to the original INTENT behind the creation of your committee. If you are a man of integrity, you will cease and desist from this bold faced fishing expedition. The ONLY reason for you to keep going, at this point, appears to be a desperate attempt to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING with which you can attack the President. To paraphrase Beria’s words: “You have been shown the man, and Mr. Mueller, you are desperate to find “the crime”. Any crime. By any means. And that’s NOT what you were hired for.

P.S.: A Rasmussen poll out yesterday, revealed that 52% of American adults now believe the Mueller investigation is a “witch hunt” (finally) with 46% saying that it isn’t with 2% undecided. Maybe America IS waking up.

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