Dementocracy July 18, 2017/ Uncategorized

It has become quite obvious that some members of America’s governmental leadership show very worrisome signs of dementia.

Nancy Pelosi is the de facto QUEEN of this group. Not only has she been saying inane things for many years (such as “We should pass the Affordable Care Act so that we can see what’s in it.” and “I’m a MASTER legislator.”) but, in public interviews she has referred to president Trump as “president BUSH.” Slip of the tongue? No. She’s done it FIVE TIMES. For her, it’s STILL 2006! If the reader would like to verify this assertion, click on:

Then there’s John McCain. Senator McCain is a war hero, patriot and deserving of America’s gratitude. However, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that he’s becoming demented too. Not only has he taken inconsistent positions on the issues for YEARS, he has shown signs of absolute befuddlement in a number of legislative hearings. If the reader would like and example of this, click on:

And then there’s Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He comments to the press last year were outrageous breaches of protocol. These were so egregious that were litigation involving Mr. Trump to come before the high court, she would have to recuse herself for being prejudicial! The fact that she would compromise her role in that manner is astonishing, and MUST be the result of creeping dementia. The interested reader can verify by clicking on:

There are other examples that could be brought up, but I think the reader can see that there are individuals at very high levels in our government that are too senile to hold the posts they’re in. I will coin a new term to describe this situation: DEMENTOCRACY. I believe it’s a brand new term because I googled it, and NOTHING with that exact spelling came up. So, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it first here: DEMENTOCRACY. Unfortunately, I suspect we’ll be hearing more of this going forward.

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