The Fifth Column March 28, 2017/ Uncategorized

Well, it now turns out that there WAS surveillance of Mr. Trump’s campaign and transition team. The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Devin Nunes of California, has uncovered evidence that, in fact, surveillance of the Trump campaign and transition team was carried out. Predictably, Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have now called for Congressman Nunes to recuse himself because he is “too close to the Trump administration”! Notice their call for recusal came AFTER Nunes found evidence incriminating Democrats. As usual, their blatantly self serving demands must be ignored. (Remember their fervent pleas to rapidly confirm Justice Scalia’s replacement in an election year, when they vehemently objected to the same when Republicans were in power in 1992? Remember the strident speeches by Biden and Schumer in 1992 that are the exact opposite of their position in 2016?). Congressman Nunes, as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, needs to do his job and follow the evidence where ever it leads. The FBI’s James Comey certainly can’t be trusted to do so. His cleverly veiled partisanship would make him a nonstarter. And it ESSENTIAL that the investigation proceed, and quickly. Crimes have been committed, and more crimes may be commited by the same individuals. And future crimes may be MORE damaging to our country.

Not only is Mr. Comey’s loyalty to the new administration suspect, it is obvious that there are other government officials involved in anti-Trump subversion. Former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Peter Hoekstra, wrote a detailed letter to the Wall Street Journal on Friday describing DELIBERATE and inappropriate declassification AND dissemination (some of it to FORIEGN governments) of sensitive and classified information (designed to undermine the Trump presidency) by the Obama administration during the transition process. Mr. Hoekstra called these activities “frightening” and said that the intelligence community may have been “corrupted for political purposes.”

And remember that much of the current brouhaha regarding “Russian electoral interference” started with illegal LEAKS reported by the New York Times. Just the fact that the leaked classified material is out there proves that crimes within our government have taken place, as it is a felony to release or otherwise mishandle classified materials. Which brings me to my last point, which involves what has been called the “fifth column.”

The term “fifth column” was used in recent commentary by James Kallstrom, former head of the FBI under Bill Clinton. The term is attributed to sympathizers of Generalissimo Francisco Franco during the Spanish civil war in 1936. The sympathizers were said to bemoan that the insurgents had four columns of troops marching on Madrid and had a FIFTH column within the city ready to rise up and betray it.

In the context Mr. Kallstrom used the term, it was meant to imply that the Obama/leftist/”progressive” movement had left clandestine insurgents IN THE GOVERNMENT that are, in essence, traitors who are ready to “rise up and betray” our government! A very sobering thought, but, de facto, true. Mr. Sessions, Mr. Nunes and Mr. Gowdy have their work cut out for them. Pray they can work quickly.

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1 Comment

  1. People are so blinded by political hate that they can t figure out the obvious. If the Russians didn’t t want to be caught they wouldn’t t have been. They are to smart, they have been doing this since 1917

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