The Look July 29, 2016/ Uncategorized

Well, it’s FINALLY over! Her speech that is. There was so much “blue smoke and mirrors” that there really isn’t much content to comment on. The speech was, in essence, a falsehood followed by a lie followed by a misstatement followed by a deception followed by a prevarication followed by an exaggeration followed by a dishonesty then followed by a subterfuge. It would be too tedious now to go through the multiple deceptions point by point. (There are SO many, it would take all night). So rather than analyze content I’ll take just a moment to write about what they have lately been calling the “optics” of Hillary’s speech tonight. I’d like to focus on “the LOOK.”

Hillary’s eyes tonight were the scariest I’ve ever seen them. She has that feral, crazy LOOK that you might expect a jackal to have just as the ground hog comes into view. She’s displayed it before, but tonight it was on flagrant display! The first time I noticed this look on her was just after Bill Clinton’s first victory. After they boarded a plane a reporter asked, innocently, of Hillary, something to the effect of “You two have been through so much to get this victory, was it worth it?” I’ll never forget her reply which came in a split second as she turned to the reporter and camera man, looked directly at them and almost snarled “Yes it was! Every bit!” In her eyes was THE LOOK. I’ll never forget it! Now, I will admit, than enthusiasm in a newly elected First Lady is generally a good thing (unlike the disgraceful air of the new First Lady Michelle Obama, who was just so “put upon” to have had to weather that whole tedious campaign thing). But one might expect some humility in an answer. Maybe something like: “You know, it WAS very difficult to go through, but it WAS worth it because now we will have the opportunity to…blah blah blah.”
But that’s not how she answered. She answered, really, in a frightening way. And she had that feral LOOK. Tonight, nearly sixteen years later, it’s still on display! Sleep on that!

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