Mystery Solved November 5, 2019/ Uncategorized

Last week New York Magazine featured a front cover and an article admitting they were totally baffled. The cover featured a greatly enlarged photograph of the bottom half of Joe Biden’s face with the superimposed headline: HOW IS THIS GUY STILL WINNING? The question is indeed baffling. How is it possible that a presidential candidate of no particular renown remains

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Death Of An Islamic Scholar October 29, 2019/ Uncategorized

“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” was not his real name. His true name was Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri. He was born to an impoverished father who “eeked out a living” selling sheep. He was described as a loner. He mustered primary school grades in the low 50’s. Yet he would go on to rule one third of Iraq and half of

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Sleight Of Hand October 18, 2019/ Uncategorized

As pointed out in my last essay (Something, ANYTHING, 10/17/19) Democrat efforts to remove President Trump from office have reached the level of desperation. Surely, the Democrats MUST know that Presidential impeachment does not equal Presidential removal. Surely they MUST know that removal of the President can happen ONLY when a SUPERMAJORITY of 2/3 of the Senate votes to do

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Something, ANYTHING October 17, 2019/ Uncategorized

Something, Anything The farce continues. Day in and day out we are barraged by reports of new “revelations” in the “investigation” of our President. Numerous so-called “whistle blowers” have come out of the woodwork with feigned outrage at a private conversation President Trump had with Volodymyr Zelensky, President of the Ukraine. The allegation is that Mr. Trump “pressured” Mr. Zelensky.

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Mandatory Halal Comes To The United States October 12, 2019/ Uncategorized

Last week PUBLIC SCHOOLS in Dearborn, Michigan, began serving halal food in their cafeterias. ONLY halal food. This move was done, the chancellor explained, to avoid “offending” Muslim students. Funny, though, I’ve never heard of a public school ANYWHERE in America serving only kosher food in order to avoid offending Jewish students. Or not serving ANY beef in order to

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Go Ahead And Impeach Him! October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

As most of my readers know, most of the material I post on this website is original. However, every once in a while, I come across an article by another author that’s too good to resist. Recently I’ve come across two such pieces, the first of which I’ll post below. It was sent to me by a colleauge (thanks MEO)

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When Belief Strays Far From Reality October 1, 2019/ Uncategorized

This handsome couple from Australia were on a mission. In 2017 they began a sojourn in which they were to drive across parts of Asia and the Middle East to promote peace and understanding of other cultures. On their blog, Jolie King and Mark Firkin stated: “Our biggest motivation… is to hopefully inspire anyone wanting to travel, and also try

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Climate Catastrophe? September 25, 2019/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM. “Climate change” has become quite the “bandwagon.” Anyone who’s “anyone” (as well as all those who, apparently, are “no one”!) need to jump on! For politicians, Hollywood elite, school children suing the government, and aggrieved teenagers it’s the biggest crisis facing our world. Bigger than World War II. Bigger than terrorism. Bigger than

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The Wrong Conversation September 23, 2019/ Uncategorized

It is amazing to me how darned clever the deep state can be. They have a knack for turning our “national conversation” 180 degrees from where it should be. The latest flap over a so called “whistle blower complaint” (“catchy” title, isn’t it?) is a perfect example. Over the weekend the Democratic leadership and the ever obedient American media carped

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Inconvenient Truths September 20, 2019/ Uncategorized

The current liberal answer to America’s epidemic of mass murder is to further restrict the availability of guns. Although the feasibility of such a strategy is questionable, it’s easy to see that this strategy is untenable on its face. The availability of firearms, of and by itself, simply does not explain the high frequency of mass shootings that America endures.

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