Thanksgiving 2020 November 26, 2020/ Uncategorized

On Thanksgiving we have many, many people to thank. We offer, first, thanks to our Creator for the gift of life. We give thanks to our priests, clergy and religious who teach us how to live. We give thanks to the patriots, founding fathers, and framers of our Constitution who have given us freedom. We give thanks to our attorneys

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FLASH: Joe Biden Is NOT President-Elect November 17, 2020/ Uncategorized

FLASH: Joe Biden is NOT “President-Elect.” As written in the Constitution of the United States of America, the title of “President-Elect” is bestowed on a presidential candidate ONLY on January 6th at a special meeting of the Senate which is convened for that purpose. It is NOT bestowed by the New York Times, CNN or MSNBC (nor is it bestowed

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Why SHOULD He? November 15, 2020/ Uncategorized

Little Sister/LRM chimes in: President Trump is under pressure to “graciously concede” the 2020 election and congratulate Joe Biden, despite the fact that there are many irregularities in key battleground states that leave the outcome far from certain. Aside from such antiquated notions like wanting the truth to come out, why SHOULD he? Why SHOULD he be gracious to the

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No Evidence? Really? November 13, 2020/ Uncategorized

Democrats and their media sycophants sound like a broken record. Over and over and over again we hear the mantra that there’s “NO EVIDENCE” of voter fraud. They believe, apparently, that saying this over and over again will make it true. Here’s a tiny sample of what’s being printed and said: In reality however, there IS evidence. And LOTS of

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A STORM IS COMING November 12, 2020/ Uncategorized

And the Democrats said to President Trump: “A STORM IS COMING.” And President Trump said to the Democrats: “I AM THE STORM.” Readers might recognize that I have borrowed this stirring line from the Mission Impossible movies. I did so for two reasons: First, President Trump’s mission, which he, apparently, HAS chosen to accept, is nothing less that a real

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Notes From Battleground 2020: Endgame, Part Three November 11, 2020/ Uncategorized

The following copy is a continuation of yesterday’s essay, “Notes From Battleground 2020: Endgame, Part Two.” Today’s material picks up where yesterday’s essay left off, and looks at additional categories of evidence for fraud in the 2020 election. •Ballot Incongruities The vast majority of American voters seldom vote “split ticket.” A “split ticket” refers to the case where a voter

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Notes From Battleground 2020: Endgame, Part Two November 10, 2020/ Uncategorized

To minimize reader fatigue, the following essay will be split into two parts which I’ll post sequentially today and tomorrow. •A Preposterous Ticket The many voting “irregularities” coming to light over the past several days may yet nullify Biden’s supposed victory. Some of these “irregularities” are discussed below. But first, it might serve us well to consider that the MAIN

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Notes From Battleground 2020: Endgame, Part One November 7, 2020/ Uncategorized

To borrow a term from the world of chess, President Trump and former Vice President Biden are now in what might be called “endgame.” An extremely complicated campaign has turned into, no great surprise, an extremely complicated election. What follows are thoughts on what has happened and what is likely to happen. •Inevitable First, the predicament that our country now

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NOT About Trump October 30, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM/Little Sister Last week’s essay, “Get off the Fence,” emphasized the significance of the coming election. Today, as we draw closer to election day, the message has to be even more blunt: VOTE FOR TRUMP! It doesn’t matter how much you dislike President Trump’s personality. It doesn’t matter how asinine his tweets sometimes seem.

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A New Country October 25, 2020/ Uncategorized

If things go badly on November 3rd, it is possible that January 20, 2021 may turn out to be the new “Fourth of July.” If Biden wins the Presidency AND the Democrats take the Senate, the radical wing of the Democrat Party will become unstoppable. America, as a consequence, will not just change, it will become a new country, founded

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